Replication of "StickyWheels" property for SkateboardPlatform


I have recently found an interest in revamping the old Roblox Skateboard as I feel it has been long overdue for a new one. I’ve already assembled and programmed a new model using a VehicleSeat instead of the typical SkateboardPlatform object.

However, one property of the SkateboardPlatform I am unable to replicate is the StickyWheels attribute. This is the property that allows Roblox skateboards to cling to walls which allows players to traverse structures such as a half-pipe.

Here are gifs for comparison, in both, I tried to travel up the wall then roll back down:



I have also tried messing with the friction and other properties of the wheels to no avail. The constraint board, as it stands right now, is only viable on flat ground or softly-inclined ramps.

This is the last hurdle I need to get through before I can move onto the fun stuff and make this revamp actually look better. Any insight or advice would be appreciated!

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Have you set a decent torque value?


Yeah, I tried bumping up the max motor torque on the CylindricalConstraint for the wheels and that did give me some more distance when traveling up walls, so thank you. However, it’s still lacking that clingy-ness that allows users to pivot when riding along a vertical wall you do things such as Airs or other vert ramp tricks.

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How about something like a raycast downwards, and if there’s a surface within a stud you put a BodyForce into the board that pushes the wheels against the surface it’s on?
Also maybe checking the Massless Property of all the Parts of the Board may help.

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