Reply option for group comment walls

Many people don’t use social medias to contact group members (twitter, discord, etc),
so they post on the group wall. If you look on group walls, you’ll see for example: “I was banned someone help.” And a comment above (a response) would be “v Sorry, we unbanned you!”

v = person below.

I believe it would be easier and helpful if there was a reply button for comments, and then when a person is responded to they’ll get a notification in the “notifications” tab. Using “v” to respond to people get’s really messy because a persons comment can be at the end of the page so you’d go “vvvvvvvvv” and sometimes it won’t even be seen. It will also make groups more active for discussions.

Example group that responds with “v”: Verve Dance Complex - Roblox


This will greatly improve the communication on the platform and staff should 100% see it.There should also be the ability to search through the group wall. Pretty every other platform with public communication has this feature, making it easier to search for relevant information or conversations about a certain topic.