RepoPack - Codebase Bundler for AI


RepoPack aggregates all of your game’s scripts into one clean, AI-friendly prompt. Inspired by the GitHub repo “Repomix,” this plugin bundles your Scripts, LocalScripts and ModuleScripts into a single, well-structured output that’s perfect for AI-assisted debugging, analysis, or introducing new features to your game.

Key Features:

  • Script Aggregation: Automatically collects all scripts from your game (and their directories).
  • AI-Optimized Formatting: Produces a unified prompt ideal for AI tools (like ChatGPT or Claude).
  • Customizable Options: Select specific folders to aggregate scripts from, and customize the output.
  • Ignore Options: Supports ignore patterns for files, folders, or specific patterns (similar to .gitignore) to exclude unwanted code.


Get it on the Roblox Creator Store:

More features coming soon!


Can you give an example of what the output looks like? I’m having a hard time conceptualizing exactly what’s happening here beyond (and I assume it does more than) listing all the lines of code.

If this is supposed to be Repomix, then it pretty much just outputs a system prompt for AI based on your code.

Here’s a sample output of the platformer game template:
(I couldn’t include all directories due to the forum character limit)

Generated on: 2025-03-20 at 17:13:27


This file contains a packed representation of all scripts in the Roblox game.
It is designed to be easily consumable by AI systems for analysis, code review,
or other automated processes.

Codebase Statistics:
Total Scripts: 13
Script Types:
  - Server Scripts: 5
  - Local Scripts: 0
  - Module Scripts: 8
Total Lines of Code: 644
Total Characters: 22333
Largest Script: ServerScriptService/Gameplay/Scripts/MovingPlatformController (130 lines)

File Format:
The content is organized as follows:
1. This summary section
2. Directory structure
3. Multiple script entries, each consisting of:
   a. A separator line (================)
   b. The script path and type
   c. Another separator line
   d. The full contents of the script (with line numbers)
   e. A blank line

Generated by:
Repopack for Roblox - A Roblox Studio plugin


📁 ServerScriptService
    📁 Gameplay
        📁 Scripts
            ⚙️ CoinsScript
            📁 MovingPlatformController
                📦 getCheckpoints
                📦 getPlatform
                📦 visualizeCheckpointPath
            ⚙️ MovingPlatformsScript
            ⚙️ OneWayPlatformsScript
    📁 Platformer
        📁 Scripts
            📁 Replication
                📦 validateAction
    📦 README
    📁 Utility
        📁 TypeValidation
            📦 validateInstance
            📦 validateString
📁 StarterPlayer
    📁 StarterCharacterScripts
        ⚙️ CharacterLeanScript


Script: ServerScriptService/Gameplay/Scripts/CoinsScript (Script)
   1 | --[[
   2 | 	CoinsScript - This script implements the coin pickup system. Leaderstats are used to keep track of
   3 | 	the amount of coins each player has. Clients detect pickups locally for minimal latency, so this script
   4 | 	does validation to ensure they are only able to pick up nearby coins.
   5 | --]]
   6 | 
   7 | local Players = game:GetService("Players")
   8 | local ReplicatedStorage = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage")
   9 | local ServerScriptService = game:GetService("ServerScriptService")
  10 | 
  11 | local Constants = require(ReplicatedStorage.Gameplay.Constants)
  12 | local validateInstance = require(ServerScriptService.Utility.TypeValidation.validateInstance)
  13 | 
  14 | local remotes = ReplicatedStorage.Gameplay.Remotes
  15 | local pickupCoinRemote = remotes.PickupCoin
  16 | 
  17 | local MAX_PICKUP_DISTANCE = 50
  18 | 
  19 | local playerCoins = {}
  20 | 
  21 | local function onPlayerAdded(player: Player)
  22 | 	local leaderstats ="Folder")
  23 | 	leaderstats.Name = "leaderstats"
  24 | 	leaderstats.Parent = player
  25 | 
  26 | 	local coins ="IntValue")
  27 | 	coins.Name = "Coins"
  28 | 	coins.Parent = leaderstats
  29 | end
  30 | 
  31 | local function onPlayerRemoving(player: Player)
  32 | 	-- Clean up references so we don't leak memory
  33 | 	if playerCoins[player] then
  34 | 		playerCoins[player] = nil
  35 | 	end
  36 | end
  37 | 
  38 | local function onPickupCoinFunction(player: Player, coin: BasePart): boolean
  39 | 	-- Validate the argument being passed
  40 | 	if not validateInstance(coin, "BasePart") then
  41 | 		return false
  42 | 	end
  43 | 
  44 | 	-- Make sure the player is actually trying to pick up a coin
  45 | 	if not coin:HasTag(Constants.COIN_TAG) then
  46 | 		return false
  47 | 	end
  48 | 
  49 | 	-- Make sure the player hasn't already picked up this coin
  50 | 	if not playerCoins[player] then
  51 | 		playerCoins[player] = {}
  52 | 	end
  53 | 	if playerCoins[player][coin] then
  54 | 		return false
  55 | 	end
  56 | 
  57 | 	-- Make sure the character is within a reasonable distance from the coin
  58 | 	local character = player.Character
  59 | 	if not character then
  60 | 		return false
  61 | 	end
  62 | 	local distance = (character:GetPivot().Position - coin.Position).Magnitude
  63 | 	if distance > MAX_PICKUP_DISTANCE then
  64 | 		return false
  65 | 	end
  66 | 
  67 | 	-- Increment the player's Coins leaderstats
  68 | 	local leaderstats = player:FindFirstChild("leaderstats")
  69 | 	if not leaderstats then
  70 | 		return false
  71 | 	end
  72 | 	local coins = leaderstats:FindFirstChild("Coins")
  73 | 	if not coins then
  74 | 		return false
  75 | 	end
  76 | 	coins.Value += 1
  77 | 
  78 | 	-- Save this coin as picked up so the player can't pick it up multiple times
  79 | 	-- This is stored per player since we want multiple players to be able to pick up each coin
  80 | 	playerCoins[player][coin] = true
  81 | 
  82 | 	-- Return true so the client knows it successfully picked up the coin
  83 | 	return true
  84 | end
  85 | 
  86 | local function initialize()
  87 | 	Players.PlayerAdded:Connect(onPlayerAdded)
  88 | 	Players.PlayerRemoving:Connect(onPlayerRemoving)
  89 | 
  90 | 	pickupCoinRemote.OnServerInvoke = onPickupCoinFunction
  91 | end
  92 | 
  93 | initialize()
  94 | 

Script: ServerScriptService/Gameplay/Scripts/MovingPlatformController (ModuleScript)
   1 | --[[
   2 | 	MovingPlatformController - This module script implements a class for moving platforms.
   3 | 
   4 | 	AlignPosition and AlignOrientation are used to move the platform between each checkpoint.
   5 | 	Beams are created to visual the path that the platform will take.
   6 | --]]
   7 | 
   8 | local ReplicatedStorage = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage")
   9 | 
  10 | local Constants = require(ReplicatedStorage.Gameplay.Constants)
  11 | local disconnectAndClear = require(ReplicatedStorage.Utility.disconnectAndClear)
  12 | local getCheckpoints = require(script.getCheckpoints)
  13 | local getPlatform = require(script.getPlatform)
  14 | local visualizeCheckpointPath = require(script.visualizeCheckpointPath)
  15 | 
  16 | local MovingPlatformController = {}
  17 | MovingPlatformController.__index = MovingPlatformController
  18 | 
  19 | function Instance)
  20 | 	local platform = getPlatform(platformContainer)
  21 | 	local checkpoints = getCheckpoints(platformContainer)
  22 | 
  23 | 	local speed = platformContainer:GetAttribute(Constants.MOVING_PLATFORM_SPEED_ATTRIBUTE)
  24 | 	local angularSpeed = platformContainer:GetAttribute(Constants.MOVING_PLATFORM_ANGULAR_SPEED_ATTRIBUTE)
  25 | 
  26 | 	local attachment ="Attachment")
  27 | 	attachment.Name = "MovingPlatformAttachment"
  28 | 	attachment.Parent = platform
  29 | 
  30 | 	-- Create an AlignPosition to use for moving the platform around
  31 | 	local alignPosition ="AlignPosition")
  32 | 	alignPosition.Mode = Enum.PositionAlignmentMode.OneAttachment
  33 | 	alignPosition.Attachment0 = attachment
  34 | 	alignPosition.MaxForce = math.huge
  35 | 	alignPosition.MaxVelocity = speed
  36 | 	alignPosition.Responsiveness = Constants.MOVING_PLATFORM_RESPONSIVENESS
  37 | 	alignPosition.Parent = platform
  38 | 
  39 | 	-- Create an AlignOrientation to use for rotating the platform
  40 | 	local alignOrientation ="AlignOrientation")
  41 | 	alignOrientation.Mode = Enum.OrientationAlignmentMode.OneAttachment
  42 | 	alignOrientation.Attachment0 = attachment
  43 | 	alignOrientation.MaxTorque = math.huge
  44 | 	alignOrientation.MaxAngularVelocity = angularSpeed
  45 | 	alignOrientation.Responsiveness = Constants.MOVING_PLATFORM_RESPONSIVENESS
  46 | 	alignOrientation.Parent = platform
  47 | 
  48 | 	local self = {
  49 | 		platformContainer = platformContainer,
  50 | 		checkpointIndex = 1,
  51 | 		platform = platform,
  52 | 		alignPosition = alignPosition,
  53 | 		alignOrientation = alignOrientation,
  54 | 		checkpoints = checkpoints,
  55 | 		connections = {},
  56 | 	}
  57 | 	setmetatable(self, MovingPlatformController)
  58 | 	self:initialize()
  59 | 	return self
  60 | end
  61 | 
  62 | function MovingPlatformController:initialize()
  63 | 	-- Update the constraints when the attributes are changed
  64 | 	table.insert(
  65 | 		self.connections,
  66 | 		self.platformContainer:GetAttributeChangedSignal(Constants.MOVING_PLATFORM_SPEED_ATTRIBUTE):Connect(function()
  67 | 			local speed = self.platformContainer:GetAttribute(Constants.MOVING_PLATFORM_SPEED_ATTRIBUTE)
  68 | 			self.alignPosition.MaxVelocity = speed
  69 | 		end)
  70 | 	)
  71 | 
  72 | 	table.insert(
  73 | 		self.connections,
  74 | 		self.platformContainer
  75 | 			:GetAttributeChangedSignal(Constants.MOVING_PLATFORM_ANGULAR_SPEED_ATTRIBUTE)
  76 | 			:Connect(function()
  77 | 				local angularSpeed =
  78 | 					self.platformContainer:GetAttribute(Constants.MOVING_PLATFORM_ANGULAR_SPEED_ATTRIBUTE)
  79 | 				self.alignOrientation.MaxAngularVelocity = angularSpeed
  80 | 			end)
  81 | 	)
  82 | 
  83 | 	-- Visualize the path the platform will take
  84 | 	visualizeCheckpointPath(self.checkpoints)
  85 | 
  86 | 	-- Move the platform to the first checkpoint
  87 | 	local checkpoint = self.checkpoints[self.checkpointIndex]
  88 | 	self.platform.CFrame = checkpoint.CFrame
  89 | 	self.alignPosition.Position = checkpoint.Position
  90 | 	self.alignOrientation.CFrame = checkpoint.CFrame
  91 | end
  92 | 
  93 | function MovingPlatformController:move()
  94 | 	-- Find the next checkpoint, looping back to the first once we reach the end
  95 | 	local nextCheckpointIndex = self.checkpointIndex + 1
  96 | 	if nextCheckpointIndex > #self.checkpoints then
  97 | 		nextCheckpointIndex = 1
  98 | 	end
  99 | 	self.checkpointIndex = nextCheckpointIndex
 100 | 
 101 | 	-- Calculate the time needed to reach the next checkpoint
 102 | 	local checkpoint = self.checkpoints[nextCheckpointIndex]
 103 | 	local distance = (self.platform.Position - checkpoint.Position).Magnitude
 104 | 	local timeToNextCheckpoint = distance / self.alignPosition.MaxVelocity
 105 | 
 106 | 	-- Move to the next checkpoint
 107 | 	self.alignPosition.Position = checkpoint.Position
 108 | 	self.alignOrientation.CFrame = checkpoint.CFrame
 109 | 
 110 | 	-- Wait for the time it takes to reach the checkpoint + the delay at each checkpoint before moving on
 111 | 	-- We'll save this task so we can cancel it later if we need to stop the checkpoint moving
 112 | 	local delayTime = self.platformContainer:GetAttribute(Constants.MOVING_PLATFORM_DELAY_ATTRIBUTE)
 113 | 	self.moveTask = task.delay(timeToNextCheckpoint + delayTime, self.move, self)
 114 | end
 115 | 
 116 | function MovingPlatformController:stop()
 117 | 	-- If we have a current move task, cancel it so it doesn't loop forever
 118 | 	if self.moveTask then
 119 | 		task.cancel(self.moveTask)
 120 | 		self.moveTask = nil
 121 | 	end
 122 | end
 123 | 
 124 | function MovingPlatformController:destroy()
 125 | 	self:stop()
 126 | 	disconnectAndClear(self.connections)
 127 | end
 128 | 
 129 | return MovingPlatformController
 130 | 

Script: ServerScriptService/Gameplay/Scripts/MovingPlatformController/getCheckpoints (ModuleScript)
   1 | --[[
   2 | 	getCheckpoints - A utility function to get all the checkpoints for a moving platform and
   3 | 	ensure they are all in order.
   4 | --]]
   5 | 
   6 | local function getCheckpoints(platformContainer: Instance): { BasePart }
   7 | 	local checkpointsFolder = platformContainer:FindFirstChild("Checkpoints")
   8 | 	assert(checkpointsFolder, `No Checkpoints in {platformContainer:GetFullName()}`)
   9 | 
  10 | 	-- Make sure all the checkpoints exist
  11 | 	local checkpoints = {}
  12 | 	local numCheckpoints = #checkpointsFolder:GetChildren()
  13 | 	for i = 1, numCheckpoints do
  14 | 		local checkpoint = checkpointsFolder:FindFirstChild(`Checkpoint{i}`)
  15 | 		assert(checkpoint, `{platformContainer:GetFullName()} missing checkpoint: Checkpoint{i}`)
  16 | 		table.insert(checkpoints, checkpoint)
  17 | 	end
  18 | 
  19 | 	return checkpoints
  20 | end
  21 | 
  22 | return getCheckpoints
  23 | 

Script: ServerScriptService/Gameplay/Scripts/MovingPlatformController/getPlatform (ModuleScript)
   1 | --[[
   2 | 	getPlatform - A utility function to get the main platform being used for a moving platform.
   3 | --]]
   4 | 
   5 | local function getPlatform(platformContainer: Instance): BasePart
   6 | 	local platform = platformContainer:FindFirstChild("Platform")
   7 | 	assert(platform, `No Platform in {platformContainer:GetFullName()}`)
   8 | 
   9 | 	return platform
  10 | end
  11 | 
  12 | return getPlatform
  13 | 

Script: ServerScriptService/Gameplay/Scripts/MovingPlatformController/visualizeCheckpointPath (ModuleScript)
   1 | --[[
   2 | 	visualizeCheckpointPath - A utility function to create beams in between the checkpoints for a moving platform.
   3 | --]]
   4 | 
   5 | local ReplicatedStorage = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage")
   6 | 
   7 | local getOrCreateAttachment = require(ReplicatedStorage.Utility.getOrCreateAttachment)
   8 | 
   9 | local beamTemplate = ReplicatedStorage.Gameplay.Objects.PlatformPathBeam
  10 | 
  11 | local function visualizeCheckpointPath(checkpoints: { BasePart })
  12 | 	for index, checkpoint in checkpoints do
  13 | 		checkpoint.Transparency = 1
  14 | 
  15 | 		if #checkpoints == 2 and index == 2 then
  16 | 			-- If there are only two checkpoints, no need to create a second beam back from Checkpoint2 to Checkpoint1
  17 | 			return
  18 | 		end
  19 | 
  20 | 		-- Create a beam between the two checkpoints
  21 | 		local nextCheckpoint = checkpoints[index + 1] or checkpoints[1]
  22 | 		local checkpointAttachment = getOrCreateAttachment(checkpoint, "PlatformPathAttachment")
  23 | 		local nextCheckpointAttachment = getOrCreateAttachment(nextCheckpoint, "PlatformPathAttachment")
  24 | 
  25 | 		local beam = beamTemplate:Clone()
  26 | 		beam.Attachment0 = checkpointAttachment
  27 | 		beam.Attachment1 = nextCheckpointAttachment
  28 | 		beam.Parent = checkpoint
  29 | 	end
  30 | end
  31 | 
  32 | return visualizeCheckpointPath
  33 | 

Script: ServerScriptService/Gameplay/Scripts/MovingPlatformsScript (Script)
   1 | --[[
   2 | 	MovingPlatformsScript - This script creates and destroys MovingPlatformController classes as necessary for any
   3 | 	instances tagged with Constants.MOVING_PLATFORM_TAG.
   4 | --]]
   5 | 
   6 | local CollectionService = game:GetService("CollectionService")
   7 | local ReplicatedStorage = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage")
   8 | 
   9 | local Constants = require(ReplicatedStorage.Gameplay.Constants)
  10 | local MovingPlatformController = require(script.Parent.MovingPlatformController)
  11 | 
  12 | local movingPlatformControllers = {}
  13 | 
  14 | local function onMovingPlatformAdded(platform: Instance)
  15 | 	if movingPlatformControllers[platform] then
  16 | 		return
  17 | 	end
  18 | 
  19 | 	local controller =
  20 | 	movingPlatformControllers[platform] = controller
  21 | 
  22 | 	controller:move()
  23 | end
  24 | 
  25 | local function onMovingPlatformRemoved(platform: Instance)
  26 | 	if movingPlatformControllers[platform] then
  27 | 		movingPlatformControllers[platform]:destroy()
  28 | 		movingPlatformControllers[platform] = nil
  29 | 	end
  30 | end
  31 | 
  32 | local function initialize()
  33 | 	CollectionService:GetInstanceAddedSignal(Constants.MOVING_PLATFORM_TAG):Connect(onMovingPlatformAdded)
  34 | 	CollectionService:GetInstanceRemovedSignal(Constants.MOVING_PLATFORM_TAG):Connect(onMovingPlatformRemoved)
  35 | 
  36 | 	for _, platform in CollectionService:GetTagged(Constants.MOVING_PLATFORM_TAG) do
  37 | 		onMovingPlatformAdded(platform)
  38 | 	end
  39 | end
  40 | 
  41 | initialize()
  42 | 

Script: ServerScriptService/Gameplay/Scripts/OneWayPlatformsScript (Script)
   1 | --[[
   2 | 	OneWayPlatformsScript - This script sets up the collision groups for one way platforms. This is
   3 | 	necessary to avoid issues with moving platforms and distributed physics simulation.
   4 | 
   5 | 	For example: If a player is above a platform (i.e. CanCollide = true) and has simulation ownership of it,
   6 | 	its movement will be affected since the client sees it as collidable. This can lead to cases where the
   7 | 	platform will run into other characters and glitch out.
   8 | 
   9 | 	To fix this, we assign the platforms and characters to collision groups which do not collide with each other.
  10 | 	Each player locally assigns their character back to a collision group which does collide with the platforms.
  11 | 	This allows the client to simulate collisions with its own character but not with other characters.
  12 | --]]
  13 | 
  14 | local CollectionService = game:GetService("CollectionService")
  15 | local PhysicsService = game:GetService("PhysicsService")
  16 | local ReplicatedStorage = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage")
  17 | 
  18 | local Constants = require(ReplicatedStorage.Gameplay.Constants)
  19 | local safePlayerAdded = require(ReplicatedStorage.Utility.safePlayerAdded)
  20 | 
  21 | local function onCharacterAdded(character: Model)
  22 | 	character.DescendantAdded:Connect(function(descendant: Instance)
  23 | 		if descendant:IsA("BasePart") then
  24 | 			descendant.CollisionGroup = Constants.CHARACTER_GROUP
  25 | 		end
  26 | 	end)
  27 | 
  28 | 	for _, descendant in character:GetDescendants() do
  29 | 		if descendant:IsA("BasePart") then
  30 | 			descendant.CollisionGroup = Constants.CHARACTER_GROUP
  31 | 		end
  32 | 	end
  33 | end
  34 | 
  35 | local function onPlayerAdded(player: Player)
  36 | 	player.CharacterAdded:Connect(onCharacterAdded)
  37 | 
  38 | 	if player.Character then
  39 | 		onCharacterAdded(player.Character)
  40 | 	end
  41 | end
  42 | 
  43 | local function onPlatformAdded(platform: Instance)
  44 | 	assert(platform:IsA("BasePart"), `{platform} should be a BasePart`)
  45 | 
  46 | 	platform.CollisionGroup = Constants.ONE_WAY_PLATFORM_GROUP
  47 | end
  48 | 
  49 | local function initializeCollisionGroups()
  50 | 	PhysicsService:RegisterCollisionGroup(Constants.CHARACTER_GROUP)
  51 | 	PhysicsService:RegisterCollisionGroup(Constants.LOCAL_CHARACTER_GROUP)
  52 | 	PhysicsService:RegisterCollisionGroup(Constants.ONE_WAY_PLATFORM_GROUP)
  53 | 
  54 | 	PhysicsService:CollisionGroupSetCollidable(Constants.CHARACTER_GROUP, Constants.ONE_WAY_PLATFORM_GROUP, false)
  55 | end
  56 | 
  57 | local function initialize()
  58 | 	initializeCollisionGroups()
  59 | 
  60 | 	CollectionService:GetInstanceAddedSignal(Constants.ONE_WAY_PLATFORM_TAG):Connect(onPlatformAdded)
  61 | 	safePlayerAdded(onPlayerAdded)
  62 | 
  63 | 	for _, platform in CollectionService:GetTagged(Constants.ONE_WAY_PLATFORM_TAG) do
  64 | 		onPlatformAdded(platform)
  65 | 	end
  66 | end
  67 | 
  68 | initialize()
  69 | 

Script: ServerScriptService/Platformer/Scripts/Replication (Script)
   1 | --[[
   2 | 	Replication - This script handles the replication of platforming actions that players are doing.
   3 | 	Actions are validated and then replicated using an attribute on the character model.
   4 | --]]
   5 | 
   6 | local ReplicatedStorage = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage")
   7 | local ServerScriptService = game:GetService("ServerScriptService")
   8 | 
   9 | local Constants = require(ReplicatedStorage.Platformer.Constants)
  10 | local validateString = require(ServerScriptService.Utility.TypeValidation.validateString)
  11 | local validateAction = require(script.validateAction)
  12 | 
  13 | local remotes = ReplicatedStorage.Platformer.Remotes
  14 | local setActionRemote = remotes.SetAction
  15 | 
  16 | local function onSetActionEvent(player: Player, action: string)
  17 | 	-- Validate arguments
  18 | 	if not validateString(action) then
  19 | 		return
  20 | 	end
  21 | 
  22 | 	-- Make sure the player has a character
  23 | 	local character = player.Character
  24 | 	if not character then
  25 | 		return
  26 | 	end
  27 | 
  28 | 	-- Make sure this is a valid action
  29 | 	if not validateAction(action) then
  30 | 		return
  31 | 	end
  32 | 
  33 | 	-- Since the client is already setting ACTION_ATTRIBUTE, we have the server set a separate REPLICATED_ACTION_ATTRIBUTE.
  34 | 	-- This avoids issues where a client with poor connection could have the attribute overwritten by the server.
  35 | 	character:SetAttribute(Constants.REPLICATED_ACTION_ATTRIBUTE, action)
  36 | end
  37 | 
  38 | setActionRemote.OnServerEvent:Connect(onSetActionEvent)
  39 | 

Script: ServerScriptService/Platformer/Scripts/Replication/validateAction (ModuleScript)
   1 | --[[
   2 | 	validateAction - A utility function to check if an action is actually valid to do.
   3 | 	This is done by checking for the existence of action modules stored in ReplicatedStorage.Platformer.Scripts.Actions.
   4 | 
   5 | 	Since using FindFirstChild can be expensive and this function will be called frequently by players,
   6 | 	we opt to cache the list of valid actions.
   7 | --]]
   8 | 
   9 | local ReplicatedStorage = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage")
  10 | 
  11 | local actions = ReplicatedStorage.Platformer.Scripts.Actions
  12 | 
  13 | local validActions = {
  14 | 	None = true,
  15 | }
  16 | 
  17 | for _, action in actions:GetChildren() do
  18 | 	validActions[action.Name] = true
  19 | end
  20 | 
  21 | local function validateAction(action: string): boolean
  22 | 	return validActions[action] or false
  23 | end
  24 | 
  25 | return validateAction
  26 | 

Script: ServerScriptService/README (ModuleScript)
   1 | --[[
   2 | 	# Platformer Template
   3 | 
   4 | 	## Overview
   5 | 
   6 | 	This platformer template serves as a demonstration of basic platforming mechanics
   7 | 	and coin collection mechanics. Players can jump and double jump, roll and dash
   8 | 	(shift on keyboard, X/square on gamepad), and long jump by jumping right after
   9 | 	initiating a roll.
  10 | 
  11 | 	## Project Structure
  12 | 
  13 | 	Client scripts and objects are stored in ReplicatedStorage, the scripts have their
  14 | 	RunContext set to Client so they do not need to be parented to PlayerScripts.
  15 | 
  16 | 	Server scripts and objects are stored in ServerScriptService.
  17 | 
  18 | 	The same structure is used for both server and client - instances and scripts are
  19 | 	broken up into three different categories:
  20 | 
  21 | 	* Platformer
  22 | 	* Gameplay
  23 | 	* Utility
  24 | 
  25 | 	### Platformer
  26 | 
  27 | 	The Platformer folder contains instances and scripts specifically related to the
  28 | 	platforming abilities. This includes the main control script, remote events for
  29 | 	replication, effects and effect scripts, and more.
  30 | 
  31 | 	A Constants module is included here to provide a central place to modify all
  32 | 	Platformer-related constants.
  33 | 
  34 | 	### Gameplay
  35 | 
  36 | 	The Gameplay folder contains instances and scripts related to supplementary
  37 | 	gameplay elements, such as moving platforms, coin pickups, etc.
  38 | 
  39 | 	A second Constants module is included here to provide a central place to modify
  40 | 	all Gameplay-related constants.
  41 | 
  42 | 	### Utility
  43 | 
  44 | 	The Utility folder contains utility functions and libraries that are used by
  45 | 	various systems throughout the template.
  46 | 
  47 | 	## Character Controller
  48 | 
  49 | 	The Controller class (found in `ReplicatedStorage.Platformer.Scripts.Controller`)
  50 | 	contains the main control code for the character. This includes movement, momentum,
  51 | 	and initiating various actions.
  52 | 
  53 | 	In order to easily support multiple input types without forking or re-implementing
  54 | 	the default control scripts, movement and jump input is read from the local character's
  55 | 	humanoid in a RenderStep loop and then written back to it by the Controller. This is
  56 | 	done inside `ReplicatedStorage.Platformer.Scripts.ControlScript`.
  57 | 
  58 | 	## Actions
  59 | 
  60 | 	Actions are the various platforming moves that a character can make, such as rolling
  61 | 	or double jumping. These are all stored as modules in `ReplicatedStorage.Platformer.Scripts.Actions`.
  62 | 
  63 | 	Each action can specify animations, effects, and sounds to play when it is initiated,
  64 | 	as well as the acceleration the character should have during the action and whether
  65 | 	it should be automatically ended when the character lands on the ground.
  66 | 
  67 | 	* minTimeInAction - Used when clearOnGrounded = true, prevents the action from being stopped
  68 | 		immediately if initiated on the ground
  69 | 	* clearOnGrounded - When set the true, the controller will automatically change the action back
  70 | 		to "None" when grounded/climbing/swimming
  71 | 	* movementAcceleration - The acceleration to use while this is the current action
  72 | 	* animation - The animation to play when the action begins
  73 | 	* effect - The effect to run when the action begins
  74 | 	* sound - The sound to play when the action begins
  75 | 
  76 | 	The code for each action is inside the `Action.perform()` function, which is called
  77 | 	when the character attempts to initiate that action. The current character Controller
  78 | 	object is passed into this function so that actions can read values from the controller
  79 | 	and initiate other actions if necessary.
  80 | 
  81 | 	## Coin Pickups
  82 | 
  83 | 	Coin pickups are represented as a single part, which gets visually replaced on the
  84 | 	clients by a nicer looking model. Multiple players can pick up the same coin, but only one time each.
  85 | 
  86 | 	Touched events are listened to locally, which allows the client to immediately show
  87 | 	a visual indicator that the coin has been picked up. The server does validation to
  88 | 	make sure the client can't pick up any coin they want from anywhere on the map or pick
  89 | 	up the same coin multiple times and then increments their leaderstats.
  90 | --]]
  91 | 

Script: ServerScriptService/Utility/TypeValidation/validateInstance (ModuleScript)
   1 | --[[
   2 | 	validateInstance - Ensures the instance is not an 'imposter' and is of the expected class.
   3 | 
   4 | 	In cases where the server is expecting an instance, exploiters can pass a table with keys
   5 | 	that mimic the instance's properties but set to whatever they want.
   6 | 
   7 | 	e.g.
   8 | 	local fakePart = {
   9 | 		Position =
  10 | 	}
  11 | 
  12 | 	remoteExpectingPart:FireServer(fakePart)
  13 | 
  14 | 	It is unsafe for the server to blindly accept the position of this fake part without
  15 | 	checking it is a valid instance first.
  16 | ]]
  17 | 
  18 | local function validateInstance(instance: Instance, expectedClass: string): boolean
  19 | 	if typeof(instance) ~= "Instance" then
  20 | 		return false
  21 | 	end
  22 | 
  23 | 	return instance:IsA(expectedClass)
  24 | end
  25 | 
  26 | return validateInstance
  27 | 

Script: ServerScriptService/Utility/TypeValidation/validateString (ModuleScript)
   1 | --[[
   2 | 	validateString - Ensures that the passed argument is actually a string
   3 | --]]
   4 | 
   5 | local function validateString(str: string): boolean
   6 | 	-- Make sure this is actually a string
   7 | 	return typeof(str) == "string"
   8 | end
   9 | 
  10 | return validateString
  11 | 

Script: StarterPlayer/StarterCharacterScripts/CharacterLeanScript (Script)
   1 | --[[
   2 | 	CharacterLeanScript - This script makes characters slightly lean in the direction they are moving.
   3 | 
   4 | 	Each Step the character's Root joint Transform is updated based on the character's velocity.
   5 | --]]
   6 | 
   7 | local RunService = game:GetService("RunService")
   8 | local StarterPlayer = game:GetService("StarterPlayer")
   9 | 
  10 | -- Since this script has RunContext of Client, it will run anywhere regardless of its parent.
  11 | -- We only want it to run when it's parented to a character so we'll return immediately if it's in StarterCharacterScripts.
  12 | if script.Parent == StarterPlayer.StarterCharacterScripts then
  13 | 	return
  14 | end
  15 | 
  16 | local character = script.Parent
  17 | -- Characters are not replicated atomically so we need to wait for children
  18 | local humanoid = character:WaitForChild("Humanoid")
  19 | local root = character:WaitForChild("HumanoidRootPart")
  20 | local rootJoint = character:WaitForChild("LowerTorso"):WaitForChild("Root")
  21 | 
  22 | local ROLL_ANGLE = math.rad(15)
  23 | local PITCH_ANGLE = math.rad(5)
  24 | local LEAN_SPEED = 10
  25 | 
  26 | local leanCFrame =
  27 | 
  28 | local function onStepped(_: number, deltaTime: number)
  29 | 	local moveVelocity = humanoid:GetMoveVelocity()
  30 | 	local relativeVelocity = root.CFrame:VectorToObjectSpace(moveVelocity)
  31 | 
  32 | 	-- Calculate pitch and roll based on the character's relative velocity
  33 | 	local pitch = 0
  34 | 	local roll = 0
  35 | 	if humanoid.WalkSpeed ~= 0 then
  36 | 		pitch = math.clamp(relativeVelocity.Z / humanoid.WalkSpeed, -1, 1) * PITCH_ANGLE
  37 | 		roll = -math.clamp(relativeVelocity.X / humanoid.WalkSpeed, -1, 1) * ROLL_ANGLE
  38 | 	end
  39 | 
  40 | 	leanCFrame = leanCFrame:Lerp(CFrame.Angles(pitch, 0, roll), math.min(deltaTime * LEAN_SPEED, 1))
  41 | 	-- Apply the leaning to the rootJoint's Transform
  42 | 	rootJoint.Transform = leanCFrame * rootJoint.Transform
  43 | end
  44 | 
  45 | RunService.Stepped:Connect(onStepped)
  46 | 


Like Vanni said, I’ve tried to match the output of Repomix as closely as possible.

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How does it handle games with 10k + lines of codes?

I assume it’s more meant for smaller games as an AI would really struggle with a more complex games, and to use ai, you’d have to prompt it for specific modules

Currently the output gets split up into multiple files if the output exceeds 200k characters, due to the character limit on .Source. I’m currently working on a neat way to circumvent this.

Of course you’re still bound by the token limit of the LLM, so large games will indeed be too large for a single AI prompt. This is why I added the folder selection & ignore patterns, so you can choose to only output the specific parts of the codebase that you want to analyse.

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this is cool plugin, could you upload on my country doesnt support creator store purchases yet :expressionless: