Report Abuse "The custom error module does not recognize this error."

In general, I found a LOT of adult content in the images Creator Marketplace that violates the rules of Roblox, and I decided to report all these images, there are more than 13 of them, and I started getting this error


Http status 429, which means that I sent a lot of requests. I understand that this is done from abusers who spam reports. But in my case, this prevents me from reporting all the inappropriate content that I find as quickly as possible.

It would be better if I could somehow report the list of content, and not separately

Page URL:

A private message is associated with this bug report


Feel that this should be a #feature-requests instead of a bug? But yes, I can replicate this issue by reporting phishing games:

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Just means that your sending too many requests. Take it slowly.

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My bug report is mostly related to a β€œThe custom error module does not recognize this error.” error. I don’t think that message was expected, it could be β€œYou report too often” or something like that


This 429 β€œcustom error module” error page seems to happen in all of and not just abuse report by the way, I have seen this happen in the favourites API used on game pages and more. Seems like APIs on just don’t have a 429 page.


Thanks for the report! We’ll follow up when we have an update for you.

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It’s happening again. I was recently given a warning (I think) after my bot uploaded a decal to ROBLOX, and now, whenever I open the website, I am greeted with this page:
(Yes, I tried logging in in incognito mode.)

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This error appears when we exceed the limit of 10 reports per hour on Roblox websites. For comparison, reporting content directly in-game is not included in this limit.

In my opinion, it should be the case that reliable reports (since they are checked in less than 1 minute) should not be included in this limit.

Yes. In fact, this makes it very difficult to report violations as effectively as possible. I report inappropriate images very often, and since there are so many of them, I have to report more often. However, my percentage of correct reports is almost 90-100%