Report Abuse window has omitted information in header instructions

When reporting an experience page, you will be greeted with the “Report Abuse” window, which has the following header:

As you may notice, the header of the page says “Tell us how you think is breaking the rules of Roblox.” This is obviously a mistake, as there should be a username, group name, experience name, or something in between the words “think” and “is.” This happens for group clothing as well, so I presume it just happens for things owned by groups (where the header omits information).

Additional related bug: If you try to report a Game Pass of a group-owned game, it will actually show the name of the person to last modify said Game Pass in any way (change price, name, desc, etc…) as who you are reporting, rather than the group name or experience name. I believe this could be a bug as well, as to me this seems like undesired behavior for what information should be displayed to the user.


This game pass is owned by the group "C:\Games":

But when reporting, you get the name of “orange451” instead, who last updated the game pass:

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