But the long-standing descriptions, which were listed for a good six years, had said that they would be returned to their previously limited status? Had I not emailed support in hopes of putting in the appropriate fix, they’d still list themselves as needing to fix the issue…
I understand that it may not be best to take care of this during November, but maybe it can be put on the list to remedy this issue when the time is fitting?
Issue or current text: The first one is formatted as 7-Eleven Slurpee, while the second lists the flavor of the Slurpee, followed by “A 7-Eleven Exclusive”
Recommendation or corrected text: Update the names so that they’re consistent. I’d suggest a format of “7-Eleven [Flavor] Slurpee”, which would flow better than the current “[Flavor] Slurpee - A 7-Eleven Exclusive” that the Blue Raspberry Slurpee has.
Issue or current text: Sword is not attached properly, and floats on a players back. It is also very small compared to the average sizes of other immortal swords. It is also positioned halfway down your back, and rotated incorrectly, compared to other immortal sword angles.
Recommendation or corrected text: Fix the positioning I have stated above.
Issue or current text: Toy code back accessory labeled as a gear, guess whoever uploaded it saw it was a sword and assumed it was a usable weapon Recommendation: Change to back accessory
These have been updated with the names and descriptions you found. Thanks!
Thanks for the report! We’re leaving this one as it is for mysterious Roblox reasons.
This has been partially updated. There will be another fix going out soon to make sure anyone who owns the bundle sees the updated capitalization in the costume name.
Awesome breakdown! These have been updated using their year of release as part of the titles, and the description of The Last Egg of 2012 has been updated as well.
Good catch. This has been updated to Top Hat, Swordpack, and Shutter Shades in as many instances as we could find. Let us know if you find any more. Also, one of the Neon Green Shutter Shades was renamed.
This has been removed from these items’ descriptions.
Thanks for pointing this out - these won’t be going back on sale at this time. We try to stay true when we put something like that in item descriptions, but sometimes things come up and we have to change our minds.
These are going to stay as they are for now. Thanks for the report!
Yep - “Nerf” is correct. Updated!
Done and done!
Unfortunately we can’t update this one - the correct title is too long. Thanks for the report, though!
Updated as many as I could find. Let us know if you see any more.
Updated for consistency!
Updated and updated!
The companion is now a Gingerbread Companion.
The newer Rock Star from the Future is now the Rock Star from the Farther Future.
The newer Evil Jester is now the Even Eviler Jester.
The newer UFO is now a Personal UFO.
The original Bull Moose Party is now a Bull Moose Party Constituent.
The scarf now belongs to the snowman.
Updated for consistency!
Updated! Let us know if you see any more "sparkletime"s.
These have been updated and one is now the Sweet Jelly Bean Tie.
“Ant-Man” is correct. Updated.
The newer Bat Wings are now Dark Bat Wings.
These have been updated for consistency and keeping with the changes in branding through the years.
The Honey Badger that attacks is now the Attack Honey Badger.
Unfortunately this won’t be going on sale at this time. But it is a lovely historical relic.
Thanks for pointing these out! Comments have been disabled, but deleting items takes a long time. They’re in our list for removal.
Similar to above, deleting takes a long time. All the owners are admins so we’re going to leave this alone for now and put it in the delete someday pile.
Similar to what I said about the Designer Sunglasses, we really don’t like having to go against an item’s listing, but sometimes issues come up. Rest assured these items are on a list to revisit later on, but I can’t promise anything now.
Thanks for the reports, but issues with fit, functionality, and attachment point / accessory type are longer fixes and should in general be reported through CS. I handed these off to the people who can make the fixes this time.
Sorry for the delay, all, and thank you for the continued reports. Everything not mentioned so far up to 11/21/18 is on my list.
Issue or current text: All these items use the same or close to the same mesh, but they’re categorically split between hair accessories and hat accessories.
Recommendation: All or most other accessories featuring hair under a hat are listed as hat accessories, so I suggest all these be updated to be hat accessories as well.
Issue or current text: It’s categorized as a Front accessory, whereas all other ties are categorized as Neck accessories. Also, the name should be updated to differentiate it from neckties, as all the other bow ties were.
Issue or current text: On the avatar it’s positioned around the player’s neck and not on the head, so it should be labelled as a Neck accessory and not a Hat accessory.
Responses to latest update, put into a spoiler to prevent the thread from clogging up.
Will we be able to hear about those reasons soon?
Uhh… Is there any reason the names simply slapped the year at the end? Was hoping that they’d go for more original names, which is why I put in so much work trying to find info on what names were fitting based on previous history from the '13 Last Egg. Kinda hurts to put in all the effort only for it to resolve to “Great!” and nothing more.
Drats! Ah well, that was a sillier inclusion. Maybe someday, but I suppose this piece will be left to the past for now!
All fair, I suppose. These eggs just feel like they’re in a limbo since even though the '08 eggs went limited around '09, the '10 eggs have been in a sort of dripfeed within these past eight years, with none returning for this year’s Egg Hunt. Do hope that these two, and the rest of the '10 eggs, are considered, either for a future sale or for EH’19. Only egg I really see having issue with anything is the Extinct Egg of Dino On Ice, for obvious reasons.
Maybe it’d be good to have a thread similar to this one, but for bigger catalog issues? Many people don’t report these issues through CS, since it can take quite a bit of time and can often lead to issues with trying to get the reported issue fixed. No way of seeing if the issue was already reported, and no way to give feedback/fixes. All this mixed together really discourages from sending off the issues via email. Believe the last time I did anything big with that with a nice, in-depth list of issues towards some eggs’ meshes/textures a couple years back, only for the most change to be one of the egg’s names changing.
Glad to help! Real glad to see so many of these issues fixed, and excited to continue helping clean up the catalog of issues! Don’t worry about any ol’ delays, the fact that any of these changes are being put into place at all is great, considering beforehand there really wasn’t much of a place to bring up issues like these.
Issue or current text: The Headphones were deleted under the belief that they weren’t used. However, they currently are in use, by the one owner of the Headphones, clockwork. This same situation applies to the Shades reported earlier in the thread, but those Shades haven’t been deleted, likely due to having multiple owners.
This deletion wouldn’t be so much of an issue if the Headphones were at least replaced with the Clockwork Headphones, but they weren’t. As a result, clockwork’s outfit is incomplete.
Recommendation or corrected text: Either restore the original Headphones, or give clockwork a copy of the Clockwork’s Headphones and apply them to their avatar.
Link to item or Asset ID:Catalog - Roblox Issue or current text: Various Hot Wheels items have different formats for how they mention Hot Wheels. Some have a ® at the end, some have a ™ at the end, one’s in ALL CAPS, the Track Builder Spiral Stack Up™ doesn’t have Hot Wheels in the name, some list the Hot Wheels before the name of the item, while others list it after or in the middle…
A complete mess which is a result of the fact that we’ve had various different Hot Wheels sponsorships over the years. Recommendation or corrected text: Make everything consistent, if possible.
Not sure if the front face of the catalog is incorrect, or the actual bundle itself but the Pumpkin Reaper item displays 150R$ on the catalog’s ‘Featured Items’ however if you click into it the price is actually 250R$.
The corrective text is to make the price consistent to either.
Issue or current text: The Vampire Lace Collar is currently a Hat Accessory rather than a Neck Accessory unlike other collars in the Catalog like the Vampire Collar and Spider Web Collar, just to name a few.
Recommendation: I would suggest changing this Accessory’s category from Hat to Neck to fit in with the other collars that exist as Neck Accessories.
Item or Asset ID:
Issue or current text: The thumbnail for this Accessory doesn’t contain anything when viewed in 2D.
Recommendation: I’m not sure what causes this issue in the first place, but if I were to take a guess, it would be to fix the positioning of the actual Accessory in the preview window. Something seems to be causing it to appear in a position that can’t be seen in the preview window unless it’s viewed in 3D. When browsing the Catalog, the thumbnail for the Blue Ice Horns shows nothing but empty white space.
Item or Asset ID:
Issue or current text: Instead of being a single word, the words ‘Sword’ and ‘Pack’ are separated. The Back Accessory called Sword pack also has the word ‘pack’ lowercased instead of ‘Pack.’
Recommendation: Update ‘Sword Pack’ to ‘Swordpack.’
Item or Asset ID:
Issue or current text: The descriptions of these items still contain “This item is available at a discount price as part of our Black Friday 2018 Sale. (Regularly R$—)”
Recommendation: Remove these sentences from their descriptions.
Item or Asset ID:
Issue or current text: The names of these Accessories are not consistent with each other and still use the old capitalization of the Roblox name.
Recommendation: For consistency, I would either follow the naming of the Classic Fedora (ex: The Classic Roblox Wizard’s Hat, The Classic Roblox Viking Helm) or the naming of the Classic Pumpkin Head (ex: Classic Roblox Fedora, Classic Roblox Wizard’s Hat), in which I myself would choose the latter option.
Item or Asset ID:
Issue or current text: ‘NINJAGO’ in the LEGO NINJAGO Lloyd Mask should be lowercase like the Ninjago Jay’s Mask, and the Ninjago Jay’s Mask is missing ‘LEGO’ before ‘Ninjago.’
Recommendation: Make these two Accessories consistent with each other by changing the first Accessory’s title to ‘LEGO Ninjago Lloyed’s Mask’ and the second Accessory’s title to ‘LEGO Ninjago Jay’s Mask.’ However, it might make more sense to say ‘LEGO Ninjago’s Lloyed Mask’ and ‘LEGO Ninjago’s Jay Mask,’ but I’m not sure which of these options sounds better.
Item or Asset ID:
Issue or current text: This is the only Graduation Cap that has the year at the end rather than in the front in its title.
Recommendation: Make this Accessory consistent with the others and change the title to ‘2018 Graduation Cap.’
Item or Asset ID:
Issue or current text: This DIY Accessory depicts the Blackvalk but only contains ‘Valk’ in its title.
Recommendation: Change its name to ‘DIY Blackvalk.’
Item or Asset ID:
Issue or current text: Both the BiggerHead and DIY BiggerHead should not have the word ‘head’ capitalized to be consistent with the Bighead.
Recommendation: To stay consistent, I would change the BiggerHead’s title to ‘Biggerhead’ and DIY BiggerHead’s title to ‘DIY Biggerhead’ to go along with the Bighead. However, I feel as though spacing out both words would make the most sense in all three of these Hats, such as ‘Big Head,’ ‘Bigger Head,’ and ‘DIY Bigger Head.’ That just makes the most sense to me.
Item:Noob Assist Gingerbread Gratitude Link to item or Asset ID: 2620416387 Issue or current text: Current naming does not follow the same naming convention as the other items in it’s series as it is missing a colon. Recommendation or corrected text: Noob Assist: Gingerbread Gratitude
Issue or current text: This hat has no spaces between the words “Gothic”, “Top”, or “Hat”. However, renaming it to “Gothic Top Hat” would conflict with the older Gothic Top Hat, which released nearly three years prior to this one.
Issue or current text: Some hats use the spelling “gray”, while others use “grey”, making an inconsistency. Judging by both searches, it seems “Grey” is the one which Roblox prefers to use in 2018, with the last use of “Gray” being in 2016.
Recommendation or corrected text: Replace gray with grey, or vice versa.
Item:Power Cell Bandolier - Roblox Link to item or Asset ID: 2706240859 Issue or current text: Profile picture didn’t apply the new change of the item Recommendation or corrected text: Make the new item change is applied to all profile pics who used the item before the change