Report menu has vulnerability that allows accounts to be banned instantly

Alright, i think i will still leave my game private, i hope this issue will be fixed really soon.

Thanks for reporting. We recognize how frustrating it’s been for some of you. The good news is we’ve fixed the problem and the accounts that were wrongfully affected. We’re sorry for the hassle this caused and we appreciate your patience. If you believe your account is still wrongfully affected, please use this link to submit an appeal and we’ll get things sorted out for you.


Excellent. Now I can mark my games and free again.

Thank you, but it seems like the person from this post is still banned and appeals are being denied


ik i trash post on the devforum all the time but reading their messages is heartbreaking man.


Hello, this has happened today to one of my friends, though it has happened via voice chat? Maybe something to look into, looks suspicious.


Their userid is 642762938


Voice chat? That might be a problem. It could be the transcriber software glitching out or the AI interpreter.


There is no way this is part of the ban exploit, voice chat logs cannot be falsified like as in the exploit mentioned in the initial post.

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how come u fixed the problem but didnt reverse the ban actions?

my friend is still termd…


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