Report Menu Instantly Closes Menu (again)

After tinkering around with turning the new menu flag on and back off (through bloxstrap), I found that the bug had returned from my last report that was previously closed. The previous post will be included for more information to provide.

It was originally marked as a solution since I had it fixed at the time, but it seems it has come back because of the new menu.

Updated Info:
It seems that trying to report someone by using the report button in the playerlist causes the menu to turn up blank. I have not tested this in my previous bug report on this, but I hope this helps.

There are currently no flags apart from using a flag to turn the FPS cap from 60 to 120. This doesn’t change the behaviour of the reports menu.

It is still happening on my phone as well. I assume my phone always had the issue since my last report.

I can confirm it isn’t Bloxstrap due to it also occurring on my phone (which is unable to use Bloxstrap, but even then, Bloxstrap doesn’t alter the client itself).

A private message is associated with this bug report


Thanks for the report! I filed a ticket in our internal database.

It seems to have resolved itself after a reboot of my system and it working fine now on the Roblox client. It still constantly crashes when using the new menu that is coming out to users.

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