Here’s the script I’m using
local OGSens = UGS.MouseSensitivity
local OGSens = UGS.MouseSensitivity
if action == 1 then
inputDB = true
OGSens = UGS.MouseSensitivity
UIS.MouseDeltaSensitivity = 0.5--OGSens/(OGSens/1*2)
elseif action == 0 then
inputDB = false
UIS.MouseDeltaSensitivity = OGSens
while task.wait() do
Printing prints 0.5 for the whole duration that mouse needs to be slow, but there is no difference in sensitivity when it is 1 or 0.5, mouse moves at the same speed.
The camera mode is LockFirstPerson, not sure if it has anything to do with this.
How can I lower mouse sensitivity?
EDIT: This appears to be a Studio bug, since I checked another one of my games with a similar script, that I definitely remember actually affected the mouse speed, but now with no changes made, the mousedeltasensitivity doesn’t affect the speed in that game either. Anyone with access to bug reports please post this.