A few of my friends and I have encountered an upcoming scam a few times, and I’d thought I’d open a topic to help inform the public about it and give some tips to staying safe.
This prevalent scam begins with an account messaging you, usually from an account that doesn’t necessarily seem like an alt or a scammer. Oftentimes its after theres been an increase in your RAP, or account value. In my experience, the topic of the message is often along the lines of “Termination Notice” or “Termination Notice!”. Again, the accounts are often customized to look official, most have joined the official ROBLOX fan group, and discuss being a reporter in their bio. Please, do note that they are NOT roblox administrators unless they have an administrator badge. To see if they do, go to their profile, scroll down to the “Roblox Badges” section and look at their badges. Take all contact from ROBLOX admins with this badge seriously.
The content of the message itself is simple, starting with a Hello, stating their name, and then comes what makes the message look legitimate:
“If you email info@roblox.com and request for a “Reporter List”, Isaac will be under I.”
In my experience, EVERYONE attempting this scam had that same text, verbatim. Restating myself, if they are ROBLOX staff, they will have the administrator badge, if not, then they are not administrators, but player’s often fall for this due to the legitimacy of the “info@roblox.com” email address, normally not even emailing it to test.
Scams are often quickly disproven by player’s on this platform due to their repeatedness and lack of legitimacy, but since this is a relatively new practice that some players are unaware of, and these touches of legitimacy, players fall victim to it often.
Following this, the scammer will usually discuss how the account was flagged due to an increase in value, and that they want to confirm the player’s ownership of the account. Following this, they attempt a threat at the player, usually reading:
“If I do not receive a response, I will have to escalate this situation which could result in account deletion. You can always try to dispute through appeals@roblox.com.”
Again, the use of official roblox emails confuses the player, and thinks the scammer is more legitimate when they are not. The threat of account deletion also greatly scares players, especially so when they’ve had a recent increase of value in their account. After this statement, they request that the player contacts them as soon as possible, and then provides discord contact information.
This should be another EXTREME red flag to players who have received a message similar to this, if a roblox employee would like to contact you when you have an issue, it will pretty much ALWAYS be over email or roblox, and absolutely never on 3rd party platforms like discord.
Should the player contact the scammer on discord, again, this is only in my personal experience, but the scammer requests that the player shares their screen and that they log out and log in. Of course, this triggers the player’s 2 step verification, and when the player opens their email to input the code, the scammer enters it themselves and logs into the account, taking the player’s items. Of course, this can generally be avoided if you have a more secure password, so if you receive contact with a scammer following the format I’ve stated thus far, they most likely already have your password and are simply waiting for your 2 Step code to log into your account.
Please, be aware of changing scams on roblox, use secure passwords as well as 2 Step Verification, and be careful with your account. Sadly, people are always going to attempt scams on pretty much any platform and all we can do is be prepared and educated.
Leaving this on a good note, roblox has been generally excellent in response to these scammers, able to give some players affected by the scam their items back and quickly ban the scammers.
Thank you for reading and stay safe.