Request folders in a certain order

Hey there,
I’ve been really struggling with this code, I’m trying to request information from a main folder that contains other folders with values and I want to get that information from the folder “quest1” to the “quest4” folder and it displays it in a GUI.

Any kind of help or feedback would be really appreciated
Thank you for reading,

The code:

local questchoice = {}
for i, x in pairs(game.ReplicatedStorage.Quests:GetChildren()) do
	table.insert(questchoice, x.Name)
table.sort(questchoice, function(A, B)
	return tostring(A.Name) > tostring(B.Name)
local boolean = script.Parent.Ongoing
local quest = 1
while(1) do
	if boolean.Value == false then
		boolean.Value = true
		local picked_value = questchoice[quest]
		local frame = script.Parent.Frame
	    local info = game.ReplicatedStorage.Quests:FindFirstChild(picked_value)
	    game.ReplicatedStorage.QuestData:FireServer(picked_value, info.TypeOfQuest.Value)
	    script.Parent.Display.QuestName.Value = picked_value
	    frame.QuestName.Text = info.QuestName.Value
	    frame.QuestType.Text = ('Quest Type: '
	    script.Parent.Display.QName.Text = info.QuestName.Value
		script.Parent.Display.Goal.Value = info.TypeOfQuest.AmountCollect.Value

	    if info.Reward.Value == true then
		   if info.Reward.Amount.Value > 0 and info.Reward.Currency.Value ~= '' and info.Reward.ObjectReward.Value == '' then
		      frame.RewardType.Text = 'Reward Type: Currency'
				frame.Reward.Text = '+'' '
				quest = quest + 1
		   elseif info.Reward.ObjectReward.Value ~= '' and info.Reward.Amount.Value <= 0 then
			  frame.RewardType.Text = 'Reward Type: Object'
				frame.Reward.Text = 'Object: '
				quest = quest + 1
		   elseif info.Reward.Amount.Value > 0 and info.Reward.Currency.Value ~= '' and info.Reward.ObjectReward.Value ~= '' then
			  frame.RewardType.Text = 'Reward Type: Object/Currency'
				frame.Reward.Text = 'Object: ''| +'' '
				quest = quest + 1
			frame.RewardType.Text = 'Unrewardable'
			quest = quest + 1

What the folder looks like:

local questsFolder = workspace.Quests --Change the path so it fits.
local questCount = #questsFolder:GetChildren()

for index = 1, #questCount do
	local questFolder = questsFolder:FindFirstChild("quest"..index)
	if questFolder then
		--Do something with the particular quest folder.
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Thank you very much for your answer!