Request for roblox to add a way to view assets without uploading them

I would like for roblox to add ways to view clothing in game without uploading it. Currently, if you want to view what an image, sound, clothing, etc. looks like in game to see if it looks right, you have to straight up upload it.

This is problematic in 2 ways :

  1. This makes it so that the clothing item is subject to moderation. I have gotten warned several times due to it thinking there was a swear word in the title (shoe minus the s). It also may get you warned if you are using a placeholder / reference in the texture that is copyrighted.

  2. User ends up having to upload a lot of stuff. This is unnecessary trafic that could be avoided for both the roblox server and the user, as well as adding textures to their “Game explorer” 's Image folder, where they have to find the specific file that was uploaded and delete it after it has been viewed if it needs change. Also, if the user is simply checking what sound effect fits best in their game, they have to pay the fee for each sound effect even if they end up going completely unused after seeing that it’s not a good fit.

All of this is currently fixable with the use of this plugin, but plugins are not officially supported by roblox, can be malicious, can lose support and never be fixed for future versions of roblox studio and, to be quite frank, are kind of hard to find. Besides, this feature is long overdue and should have been implemented a long time ago.

Said plugin is an excellent example of feature I’m requesting to be added.

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