[Request] optimizing mesh deformation oceans

Hello everyone, I am in need of help on how to optimize mesh deformation oceans (gertsner waves),

I have one idea of not updating bones that are further away but if you have multiple planes they would no longer connect if i’m no longer updating them the issue is I cant think of a optimized way on how to connect them, i could do some camera frustum culling too with it

Another question on top of that currently I am updating 3969 bones in around 10-11ms, there’s one developer “pyseph” claiming his ocean can update 4000 bones in under 1ms is that even possible?

here is the issue shown obviously the waves wouldn’t be so huge but just an example

tl;dr How does one connect 2 planes bones if you dont apply gertsner wave on one of them

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You might try making the “tiles” further away larger and thus there will be fewer to update. This is a classic way of doing it, but it requires you have some way of smoothing the transitions between tile sizes:

Thanks for the reply,
i’ve noticed few implementations had all same plane sizes just different bone density, also reviewed tyridge77’s thread on his ocean and got it all kind of sorted he just interpolates the edges to be flat on each plane so it connects

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