Request: Posting Bug Report: Cannot Join Game (Waiting for Server Indefinitely), but it works when uploading to a new place

I and all other players are unable to join one of the group games that I work on:
[Roman Germania [SALE] - Roblox]

It says Waiting for Server indefinitely (the longest time I waited for it was about 355 “seconds” by its count and then I gave up). This problem began about a week ago. I initially thought it was because of something I did, and so I reverted the place over and over until I got it working. I then individually added back in the elements, testing it every time to make sure it worked. I thought that I had found the problem, but I had not. For this example Item X is a hypothetical Item: The game may not start one time with Item X in the game, and then when Item X is removed the game WILL start. I then think it is because of Item X that the game wouldn’t start, but later we find out the game will still not start even with Item X and also sometimes if you add back in Item X it THEN will work again.

I uploaded an exact copy of the studio file to a new place and everything works successfully (I can join the game). It takes about 25 seconds for it to create a server, but eventually it does let me join. Does anybody have any advice? I can’t figure out why it will work when I upload it to my account and why it won’t work on our group’s game.

A link to the new place I uploaded it to:

Edit (adding more information:)

Avatar Differences:
The place where we are having the issue has the Avatar Type set to R6 while the place where it is working has avatar set to R15.

HTTP Differences:
They both have HTTP requests enabled.

I uploaded the game to a new place inside the group and not only did it work, but it worked right away. Normally it takes about 20-30 seconds for it to find a server (IF it ever finds one), but after uploading to a new place inside the group it started up within a few seconds.

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