Request: Role Stacking

As a Roblox Group Owner, It is currently difficult to have a good ranking system. Say, I have a moderator In the group who is also a developer for a game, If I were to give them the Developer role they’d lose their Moderator Abilities. What I could do Is:

*A: Give Moderators the Developer permissions
While this does work, it would mean giving all the moderators developer permissions which could result in some mishaps in the game. This is where the feature request part comes in, we could add

*B: Role Stacking
Role stacking is basically giving a specific person 2 roles. Discord has this feature and it’s really helpful. Now, let’s say you’re in the group admin menu and you’re seeing the list of all the players and their ranks. Right now, the group admin displays 1 rank under their avatar (You can see it in figure 1 below this paragraph). If Role Stacking were to be added then you could have it so the rank displayed under their avatar would be the highest rank (You can see it in figure 2 below this paragraph).

Figure 1

Figure 2

Moving on, let’s say you want to see all the roles the person has, a solution for this would be clicking on their avatar and a menu would pop up (I will be using a picture from Discord’s role system as an example).

How Would This Help?
This would help the Roblox group community in many ways, such as:

  1. Reducing the amount of robux they’d have to spend on ranks
    Instead of making a new rank called Special Moderator, they could use role stacking instead.

  2. Convenience
    Instead of giving all the moderators the ability to develop on the games and potentially damage it, they could use Role stacking for a safer and faster way for the certain Mod to develop.


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A post was merged into an existing topic: Ability to assign multiple roles to one user in a group
