Request taken username

Honestly, just come up with something original. I wouldn’t want roblox to deal with any headaches with people taking old usernames that “weren’t used enough”. Look at the usernames in this post; most everyone here doesn’t even have numbers in their username. You can’t stop people from claiming cool usernames.


Not nearly enough to justify the engineering resources required to implement this feature. They have so very little to gain, there’s pretty much no chance they’re going to waste their money implementing it as opposed to more forward-thinking profitable endeavors.


Isn’t it already on a first come first serve basis?


I think that this is a great idea. Big players like Microsoft, Blizzard, and Disney determined that clearing old usernames has a positive value – Roblox should follow suit. Having more free usernames for new users benefits Roblox by decreasing the amount of steps needed for sign up (I hate signing up to services where it’s a chore to find a free display name!) and it benefits users by giving them the satisfaction of having the name they actually want to represent themselves by, allowing the community to be more expressive, which is what Roblox is all about!

Further, to tackle the problem of having a long list of changed usernames, I propose a concept of “reserved usernames”. When you pay 1000 R$ to switch your account name, your old username will appear in a list on the account settings page, where you can check a box to “reserve” the name, which would cost a nominal Robux fee – perhaps 10 R$ per month – which would encourage users to only reserve the names that they want to keep.

Reserved names couldn’t be used to create a new account as long as the fee is paid every month. (i.e., if the account doesn’t have enough Robux, it’s marked as unreserved automatically)

For unreserved names, after a certain waiting time, the name will drop off of the list of names the user can mark as reserved, and can be used to create a new account. However, the name would still appear on their profile name history.

In order to eliminate ambiguity, the previous usernames list should also receive an update to show the dates a username in their history was used. This way, multiple users could have the same username in their history, but you’d know who was who at a certain point in history.

You might say that this process adds too much complexity to something that should be simple, but as Roblox is growing at an extremely high rate – and plans to continue massive growth – the pool of possible names is something that demands proper care to ensure the longevity and health of the platform.


Force the person to email support to get the username they want. First come, first serve. Can’t bot the process of taking usernames in that way, very hard to do so.