Requesting feedback on Smoothie making game

I’m working on a game about brewing up odd smoothies to customers. This game is sort of a puzzle game, as there is many things you can do to these smoothies. I know i’m not giving enough detail yet, but you get a solid idea in the mp4 below. Please request, give feedback, and be as honest as possible, in the replies! (this is a prototype build, lol)

(P.S If you come from my other scripting support posts about this game, the CustomerHandler script has been changed, so it no longer looks like what you saw.)

Newer, less compressed video (shows how customers react to wrong orders at end of video)

External Media

You can play the game here!


Gameplay looks good!


Maybe add an angry Karen type customer who doesn’t like their smoothie and forces you to make them a new one within 30 seconds or they come behind the counter and start beating you up and you defend yourself and the restaurant erupts into chaos and someone pulls out a gun and starts waving it around and the police is called and the Karen frames you as the one waving the gun around and you have to escape out the back of the restaurant and escape the city because you are wanted and all the police are looking for so you have to find some shady character that will give you a new id and you have to escape to the Bahamas where you live as a different identity. Idk just an idea rolling off my head as I’m typing.


Ok shakespeare. On a serious note, that is a great idea! (certainly pushes my All Ages intended game to 13+) I was planning on adding a sort of ‘Rush Hour’ where like 3 or 4 customers ask for complicated orders at the same time, and they’re only there for about 30 seconds.


This game gives me vibes of Work at a Pizza Place.
Anyways, I like the idea of keep it simple and retro! I’d suggest adding minigames when preparing the smoothies like “connect the dots” or press random keybinds to complete the smoothie (like Bloxburg) or drag the cup and the ingredientes but it’s up to you.

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Yeah! I might make the chopping more hands-on!

I was originally going to make all of it more draggable but it got a little tricky…

(It’s very inspired by W.a.a.P.P :wink:)

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