Hello, I am currently looking to fix a script of mine.
For whatever reason, whenever I update the Text value (UsernameBox), it still sends a message using the old string.
I’m pretty new to scripting, and no errors are being thrown into the Output.
Also, I’m not putting the actual URL of my Discord webhook here for security reasons.
local http = game:GetService("HttpService")
function onClick()
local Data = {
["content"] = script.Parent.Parent.UsernameBox.Text.." Pressed"}
Data = http:JSONEncode(Data)
http:PostAsync("https://discordapp.com/api/webhooks/URL", Data)
EDIT: This is a Script rather than a LocalScript.
Any attempts, regardless of the outcome, are highly appreciated. Thanks!
Make sure this is done on the client, not the server. [you’re sending the text to the server via a remote event, and then send the text to Discord on the server]
AKA use your localscript to send the event with the new text to the server, on the server send the text received by the server to Discord.
There should be an error. You can’t use HttpService from a LocalScript, so you’re going to need a remote. A remote event, specifically, would work great here.
My only question is how would I do this? I’m very new to scripting and don’t really understand how to do this kind of thing, but I believe reading and writing more will help me learn.
LocalScripts must be ran on the client, for example in tools, guis, startplayerscripts,etc.
Scripts need to be ran on the server, and they can not see unreplicated data from the client.
So, if you want to use this, I made a whole API for interacting with Discord from Roblox. Here’s the Webhook module: DiscordWebhook.lua (1.5 KB)
(There are some things in the module you can ignore like _bot and _token as those are for Discord Bot stuff with Discord tokens)
Basically you would put this in, require it (require(game.PathToModule)), which gives you the holder, then you can create as many as you would like with the following code:
local webhookManager = require(game:GetService("ServerStorage"):FindFirstChild("DiscordWebhook"));
local webhookOne = webhookManager.new(123, Webhook_Token); --123 would be the channel it's for.
local webhookTwo = webhookManager.new(456, Webhook_Token2); --456 would be the channel it's for.
(This is a server script. To hook it up to the client do as @sjr04 said and use a RemoteEvent to fire the data over to the server to send to Discord through the webhook.)
--Rest of onClick
game.ReplicatedStorage.RemoteEvent.OnServerEvent:Connect(function(player, username)
webhookOne:Execute({content = username .. " Pressed";});
This is more concerning. A server script should not be handling GUIs. Please use a LocalScript to do that, then send the text to the server via a remote.
@sjr04 Forgot to mention why it’s more concerning. You can’t access client input events like mouse button or touch from server scripts. It has to be a local script.
Thank you so much for helping out!
However, I’m still quite confused, I’m presuming I should insert “DiscordWebhook.lua” as a ModuleScript into ServerStorage and add my webhook URL into the Webhooks table… but I don’t understand where to go from there, sorry for my personal confusion.
local ourWebhook = require(MODULE).new(ChannelId, WebhookToken) --Returns a lua object that has the method :Execute()
--ourWebhook:Execute() will fire the webhook to the Discord api after JSON encoding the table of data inside.
--Making it easy for you to have content, usernames, pictures, etc. As you just add it as an index in the table.
--For the basic call you're doing you simply include content as a key, with your content.
local dataToSend = {
content = "Hello Wold!"; --Set our content to "Hello World!"
ourWebhook:Execute(dataToSend); --Send our content to the Discord API
It’s basically just a pre-made, don’t have to make your own, function for firing the Discord API.
This is all the code is behind the scenes.
function Webhook:Execute(data)
local succ, err = pcall(function()
local response = httpService:RequestAsync({
Url = string.format("https://discordapp.com/api/webhooks/%s/%s", tostring(self._channelId), tostring(self._webhookToken));
Method = "POST";
Headers = {
['Content-Type'] = "application/json";
Body = httpService:JSONEncode(data)
if not response.Success then
self.warn("The request failed:", response.StatusCode, response.StatusMessage);
if not succ then
self.warn("Http Request Failed:",err);