Requesting Help to Implement 'Saitama Battlegrounds' CameraSubject on Torso Without Jittery Effect!

the base camera script is provided automatically by roblox when a player joins in their PlayerScripts

thats exactly what i did, but there is an annoying jittery effect when u rotate ur character

I think needs some effort from your side… I dont see where in the rules says “DevForum should fix what Im unable to do…”

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hmm when i tried it i didnt get that effect?, theres 2 lines that has local bodyparttofollow did you only change one?

devforum is literally a place for asking stuff and posting stuff, how are you gonna put effort in something if you already tried and fail?

try this, put everything in starterplayerscripts (the effect will show if you /e dance)
Test.rbxm (130.4 KB) (R6)

the jittery effect on the character doesnt occur when u rotate while standing, but if you walk while using shiftlock + rotating your character, you’ll notice a slight jitter effect on your character, also change head camerasubject to torso

what why?, and surprisingly it doesnt do that for me?

you need to closely look, send me the file to test

hm i already did that (looked closesly) there aint any jitter, the jitter prob could be because of the walking animation or some thing idk or it maybe because of scripts you could have added

there’s still jittering for me so idk

make sure to put a custom walking animation, as the default r6 walking animation doesnt have much movement so almost no jittering happens, as for the effect it seems like your character jitters/shakes/stutters noticably if you keep rotating your character, this happens on r15 too, if u still cant see it even with the custom animation then i cant help u see the problem

i found the solution to this, i made something similar for my star wars fighting game.

do not change the CameraSubject, rather, theres a property of a players humanoid called CameraOffset, and you change that depending on the local positional offset of the torso.

if not plr:GetAttribute('Cutscene') and char:FindFirstChild('Torso') and hum.Health > 0 then
	local offset = char.Torso.CFrame:ToObjectSpace(rootPart.CFrame).Position
	local camOffset =, -offset.Y, -offset.Z)
	ts:Create(hum,, Enum.EasingStyle.Sine, Enum.EasingDirection.In), {CameraOffset = camOffset + plr.OffsetVec.Value}):Play()
	ts:Create(hum,, Enum.EasingStyle.Sine, Enum.EasingDirection.In), {CameraOffset =}):Play()

snippet of code from my game to handle the camera movement (i use r6 so if you’re doing r15 do LowerTorso or UpperTorso?) obviously some minor variables should be changed to work for other ppls games but the function is there if anyone needs it.


Thank you, This works perfectly, Although it doesn’t have as much shaking as changing it in playermodule, its still good since it wont bother the player from too much movement effect, there is also no noticable stutter effect, only if you changed the “OffsetVec” to around 2, 0, 0 the stutter starts to happen if you want a shiftlock kind of effect but i dont need to change it anyway

i had that issue as well until i started using tweens to ease it in, if its still bad you can always up the time it takes to tween the camera

if you know the game “AUT” when you move your camera moves with the character smoothly, if u know how to replicate that then pls tell me, thank you for your previous solution!

sorry, i’ven’t played that game, i’ve only dabbled in strongest battlegrounds :frowning:

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