Requesting help with Gui's

Alright so, I’m trying to make a lobby system using Gui’s. I don’t really need help with that since I’m quite sure I can figure it out on my own.

The only problem is, I’ve got no clue how to detect or change the position of the players lobby depending on how many lobbies exist, and how to add support for multiple lobbies. I’ve never used any UI that scales or moves position based off other UI.

I’m planning on storing the new lobbies as a sort of “compiled data” inside a folder in replicatedstorage. I want to make so if there is no lobbies, then the new lobby shows up for everyone else at the top, and if there is already one lobby then it will show up slightly down more, aswell has it being able to scroll incase there is too many to fit on the screen.

I’ve never worked with UI like this before, so any guidance is GREATLY appreciated.

oh so like a scrolling frame
youll want to keep each one in like a table, so you can track them all
when one gets deleted, move (or tween) all the GUIs using a for _, gui in table to fill up all the space

Ah a scrolling frame, and it will just get bigger for however many I put in?

Okay, I just spent so long trying to make a script that made them a list and detected everything.

There is an object that INSTNATLY DOES IT FOR YOU, do not make my mistake. UIListLayout.