Requesting suggestions for interior decor

Hey everyone!
Today I’ve been working on building a little home store. I need some suggestions for interior decor, as it looks quite plain. Here are pictures of the interior:

Any suggestions are highly appreciated! Thank you!



I recommend adding a chair or two, and maybe some potted plants.


Looking great so far!

In addition to the above post, I’d suggest throwing in some paintings, texture patterns art stuff, as well as some shelves if you get the space to do so. I look forward to seeing the future of this project! :v:


For the most part I think the building looks nice as I don’t think a lot could fit in there, however I do get a couple of suggestions.

The only way I can see to improve is to create more seating on the interior, as it looks a bit empty. I would also try placing some clothing racks, potted plants, wall shelves, hanging lights, ect. Those would defiantly improve your build a lot more and if you plan to make it larger try placing a second floor featuring the same things but with different types of clothes.

Other ideas are some interior features such as shelves, clothing stands, perhaps a cashier table, circular tables for clothing to lay on, couches and different variety of colours, etc.


Thank you for the suggestions! I really appreciate it!
(Also this building does have a second storey)

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You could put a Logo on the wall, that’s if you have one.

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One thing that I always try to do when designing home-stores for some of the people I’ve made them for is considering what REAL clothing stores have that makes them seem less empty:

  • Chairs/Stools and Mirrors
  • Potted Plants
  • Wall Decor (Logos, Pictures, Paintings)


Variation in Shelving/Mannequin usage!

The usage of Clothing Racks, Shelves, Tables, Mannequins, and Wall-Mounts provides lots of variation that is both pleasing and eye-catching, and is ALWAYS what I recommend going for first when filling out a clothing store.

Amazing work! It already looks great! But I recommend adding some chairs, maybe a television, a cashier desk and some plants.
Good luck!

You should add in pictures and plants to go around the walls, I think the colour would bring it out a bit more

I looks great, but my question is, where will the receptionist be?
Plus, the strings that are holding the light bulbs look a little bold.