Required help with planet gravity

Hello everyone, this is my first post! I can’t make planet gravity so players can walk and even jump (if you can’t make jump dont do i dont require it much at all)

  1. What do you want to achieve? Gravity for the planet so you can walk

  2. What is the issue? I have totally no knowledge of this

  3. What solutions have you tried so far? I tried walk on walls free model, but it gives ability to walk on the things (like walls) that are welded to the planet (which i dont need).


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you can use vector force or any other method to push the player towards the center of the planet

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Thanks i will try out your method later

Isn’t Workspace.Gravity what you need ??

Workspace.Gravity only allows you to set the magnitude of gravity, not the direction.

A bodyvelocity or vectorforce (I prefer bodyvelocity) parented to the player’s HumanoidRootPart could act as gravity.
Changing its movement direction to face the planet’s center in a function connected to runservice’s PreSimulation event would be best for setting the direction. Maybe tweening the player’s rotation so that their feet always point towards said planets center would be a good idea too.

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it isnt, i need gravity pull that pulls to OBJECT

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okay, ill check it tomorrow, thanks

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