Requirement of 1000 place visits before they can be on Top Rated

Pretty self explainitory.

Why have this? Lets look at some pictures.

This will make botted ratings a lot harder to get to the front page, and I would imagine this update would not be hard.


1000 is a bit high.

I mean, or just a check that there are more visits than thumbs.

Just checked top rated, 8/10 games on there were cheated to the top and have more likes than visits.

Donā€™t you have to play a game before you can thumbs-up (or down) it? Or can bots bypass that?

1 Like

It can be bypassed.


No itā€™s not. 1000 visits is completely reasonable. If you put in minimal effort making a decent ad, an attractive thumbnail, a good game description, you could get 1000 visits easily. Most of the games Iā€™ve seen people making have gotten more than 1000 visits before they even made it to BETA.

Before madattak and Rolijok knew of the place, before an ad, and before most of it was ready, this got 1K visits.

If a game is good, it will get 1K visits within a week or less.

No, if a dev is popular or rich or if itā€™s supported by a popular dev it will get 1K visits within a week or less.

Itā€™s about effort and investment Kevin. If you make a good thumbnail, have an effective title, and a good description you can make a decent ad and get 1000 visits with an investment of just a few hundred robux.

If itā€™s an actual game and not just a showcase youā€™ll make way more than what you invested back once it gets onto the top rates, especially if the game is actually good enough to be top rated once it hits 1000 visits. Every game Iā€™ve made on both my new and my old account (that never even got popular) reached 1000 visits before the BETA. And if you have the BETA closed you can just make money off of paid access.

This needs to be implemented.

1000 may seem arbitrary, but at least there needs to be more visits than likes to appear on top rated.

Itā€™s getting out of hand

I never had problems getting my first 1000 place visits when I had something people actually wanted to play.
And that was with less of a userbase than we do now.

Multi Pong got over 1000 visits by word of mouth. Though that word of mouth caught the attention of popular people, and many players followed those popular people. (thanks Hawkington/Merely/Seranok/Nikilis)

Alright, just go with the 1000, its better than it currently is.

Itā€™s about effort and investment Kevin. If you make a good thumbnail, have an effective title, and a good description you can make a decent ad and get 1000 visits with an investment of just a few hundred robux.

If itā€™s an actual game and not just a showcase youā€™ll make way more than what you invested back once it gets onto the top rates, especially if the game is actually good enough to be top rated once it hits 1000 visits. Every game Iā€™ve made on both my new and my old account (that never even got popular) reached 1000 visits before the BETA. And if you have the BETA closed you can just make money off of paid access.[/quote]

What world are you living in? There are a bunch of places on ROBLOX that deserve exposure that the current like system helps with but have under 1000 visits.

Yes, there are people that exploit the like system, but you guys are blowing the problem way out of proportion. Out of that screenshot there are probably like, 3 games at most that donā€™t deserve it, and even if they didnā€™t. The games that donā€™t deserve it got a sensible amount of likes/dislikes to visit ratio. Going through these kinds of suggestions would probably just end up hurting new developers/map makers that make cool but unknown stuff that deserve exposure.

Grain, you have to remember this is the ā€œTop Ratedā€ category. This should showcase games that many robloxians enjoy playing and has enough retention that they take the extra effort to upvote it.

In the time that it takes to gain 1k visits, it should be evident what people really think about the game.
There are many ways to gain exposure.

Iā€™d like to point out that two of the places you linked are ā€œWIPā€ Thereā€™s plenty of time for them to gain the 1k if they keep working on the place. Top Rated should be about polished games that are fun to play.

Yeah, and also, Grain, my post was referring to games that are actually games. The places you just posted are all showcases. (Edit: Except the one thatā€™s a club, and that oneā€™s like to dislike ratio is already too low to be top rated anyway.) Obviously showcases donā€™t work the same way as a game does.

Iā€™m not saying showcases donā€™t deserve exposure, but itā€™s not the same. People have suggested a section for popular showcases before; however, you canā€™t maintain such low standards on top rated to pander to showcases, especially given the fact that even a bad game can trump an amazing showcase in place visits, revenue, and and popularity hands down without even trying.

If you canā€™t see the difference thatā€™s a personal problem, donā€™t just blindly hop into the conversation acting like nobody else knows what theyā€™re talking about.

I donā€™t think Iā€™ve ever even seen a real game (or even a showcase) on top rated with less than 1000 visits in the first place.

If you canā€™t see the difference thatā€™s a personal problem, donā€™t just blindly hop into the conversation acting like nobody else knows what theyā€™re talking about.

I donā€™t think Iā€™ve ever even seen a real game (or even a showcase) on top rated with less than 1000 visits in the first place. [/quote]
Try not to be a dick, dude.

The top rated sort needs to be reworked anyways. I find it sad how these bot places with 2 players online, 70 thumbs up and 19 thumbs down show up on the front page, while other games with more concurrent players and more thumbs up (in the mid-100s) and only 30 or so downvotes arenā€™t even in top rated at all. Not even if you click ā€˜see allā€™.

Top rated is where friend connections and all these games push it further down the line sadly so this would be dandy