There has been a lot of talk recently regarding the popular section of the front page mis-leading new users regarding what kind of quality games ROBLOX is capable of.
There have been some very extreme solutions. I’m here to suggest a solution that is not nearly as extreme, does not discipline people for noticing market trends, yet still gets the quality games out there!
So XBOX currently requires new users to play 4 quality-checked, featured, games before they can move on to other games. I believe if ROBLOX adopted this onto their web platform, it would be the ultimate solution to all the current problems regarding bad publicity, users not seeing what they should etc.
Ultimately we can’t really control what new users want to play, nor can we control what is popular. But this atleast gives them a taste of what ROBLOX is capable of. A dose of inspiration.
What if someone has told their friend about ROBLOX and convinced them to play their game that they have made? Their friend then has to try 4 games before he can play theirs which might put them off a bit.
Or another example - they might see a YouTube video with a cool ROBLOX game and then be annoyed that they have to play 4 other games (even if they enjoy them) before they can play the game they wanted to in the first place!
I think the concept is good but not sure how well it will work on the PC platform - just my thoughts
It gives them a taste of the platform, and what’s best, is after it they get to try their friends game (and may even have a good judgement as to whether or not it is a good game ;P)!
Having to play 4 games isnt going to put anyone off. Being subjected to only low-quality games may put them off the site however.
It has its pros and cons i guess. I like the idea of having an entire world opened the second you log in, instead of it being “Hola hola hola, play THESE games first before playing THOSE games!”
But on XBOX you cannot abort the process. If you don’t like the system on roblox you can just hop to one of the other millions of non-roblox games out there.
No. The issue is players being shown clickbait games and playing them. Playing x featured games once doesn’t solve either of those issues and even introduces more.
The games in Featured definitely aren’t bad, but they’re not necessarily great either. Dinosaur Simulator isn’t going to offer someone such an enlightening experience that they’ll turn a blind eye to the clickbait games that are rotating day in day out. Even developers on these forums that have seen all of what ROBLOX has to offer sometimes debate whether they should stay around.
3 I think would sound alright. The featured games could be almost like an introduction to roblox, then when you have finished playing them, it shows you the games page.
Maybe a better solution would be to not have the popular/top earning sorts clearly visible before they have played a threshold of games? This would allow for anybody to play a linked game, but if they go on the games page, they would only see games recommended by ROBLOX. I think it already does this as well.
If they just hide the Popular sort (and other poorly filtered sorts) then there won’t be an issue. Because chances are, a new user won’t know where to find or won’t be looking for that sort if it is hidden. So by presenting the Featured sort or a list of quality games to new users front and center, they are more likely to try those ones before anything else.
No, ROBLOX shouldn’t force something like this on new players. It will just drive them away when you force something like that on the playerbase. Especially with how monetized some of the games on featured are now, currently.
No way, there’s a hundred games that are high quality and not currently featured, and there arent many games on that list anyway. Adjust the front page but dont limit people.
One of the appeals behind ROBLOX is that it’s a platform where you can be, build, and do just about anything (within the rules). A new user should have the choice to play a game based on their interests. If they want to play a sword fighting game, a complex RTS, or an RP based on FOTM material like Fallout 4, then that’s their decision. Those handpicked games don’t really represent the best of ROBLOX by a long shot, they’re filled with questionable custom controls, microtransactions, and unfunny memes from 8 years ago. (no offense to those creators).
You are essentially forcefeeding content people might not care about, and potentially driving them away from ROBLOX, I think, honestly.