Requirements to earn the ability to post are stupid

What’s the point of a DevForum if it instantly mutes new developers? This could happen in any strict platform. Evidently, the old “your post has been removed” most moderators pull these days isn’t enough to stop any trolls.

You have a suspicious amount of knowledge for account trading…


Can’t someone just " Buy " or " Rent " an account and do this?


Agree on all fronts there. Most of the time it’s trolls, moderation needs to scale with that problem, and the barrier to entry for this forum is too high right now (because bots aren’t really a problem from what we’ve experienced).

I’ve seen alt accounts and creators getting their community to like their posts, which are other issues. Some users act like bots by only or mostly using ChatGPT to respond to others, but to your point, an actual “bot” bot is nearly never seen. It’s all people really and it’s not widespread.

That said though, I assume with lower requirements, then it will become more common to see bots. We just have to lower stuff and see what happens though. If stuff doesn’t break, neet.


Exactly this. This feature removed or not I think " Bots " and trolls will still exist.


This feature is just here to manage it, not prevent it and its doing a terrible job at that.


Hmm, you are not wrong there at all.

I believe a better way would be just to allow those people to like who have at least say, 10 likes and such or something? Won’t prevent everyone but would stop a lot of people.

As for the ChatGPT users… sigh. I am just speechless about them. I find them funny at times though…


ive been on roblox platform for long time this isnt anything special alot of people know how bots work lol

because it will end up being expensive and devforum being strict makes the process harder

devforum exists so creators can give roblox valid feedback and help with each other if every single roblox developer had access to devforum the platform would be ruined because there would be alot of trolls and bad stuff

this is possible outcome if roblox made devforum less strict and allowed new users to create posts

  • somebody makes service that sells devforum alt accounts
  • people post bad stuff
  • roblox hires more devforum mods
  • moderators are able to react only after somebody posts something bad but they cant keep up due to devforum not being strict
  • roblox wastes money and resources

even if roblox were to add filter system that wouldnt fix issue either because it can be bypassed and it would false flag alot of messages what you are suggesting requires alot of money and resources and it will eventually be abused

i wont be replying anymore but i would suggest doing research


This contradicts your only support:

and what you claim here:

This is the purpose of the devforum, not to drive away new users just trying to get help.

Nobody is saying to remove the feature itself, just make it less severe as said here:


Then why is this not a thing already?

This is a lame excuse. When you run a Discord server, you are supposed to be adequately staffed to fight any kind of trolls, raids, etc. If Roblox wants to run an official forum that people can seek help from, they need to scale their moderators with the demand.

So maintaining a forum is waste of money and resources?


I think it’s alright that it is Strict but I think the requirements should change to.

  1. User’s Age is above 13 years old.
  2. 2 Hours+ Read Time
  3. 100+ Topics Viewed
  4. 500+ Posts Read
  5. Has the “Read Guidelines” Badge

I know a lot of people will disagree with me but I would like to know that everybody on this Forum understands it enough to post and interact with other users.


This is normal Discourse behavior and it makes sense imo, the fact it was overridden here is a bit weird.


I’m not so sure, lowering the restriction’s will result any good

A. Making it easier for underage/ trollers to post on the devforum

B. Bots will be more common in a result from making it easier and shorter process to post.

Roblox wants only people who are smart enough to know that there’s a requirement so it won’t pop up on the front page.


I think it is allowed from what I can gather? You can upload 1 image per post as a new user.

I also don’t recall that ever being mentioned as an issue to me (I moderate a 5000 user forum).


Yeah it’s allowed, I was just commenting on the fact it’s a weird design choice.


Yes I completely agree with you it is nice to know that most posts are 13+
And are appropriate to be on the forum.


Yes maybe they maybe update it. Or make it so certain likes get

1 Like

It isn’t stupid, a specific content creator already raided the forums and got them shut down for good, we dont need that reoccuring.


personally the current requirements are fine. i used the devforum enough while learning how to develop that by the time i needed to post, i was already at a trust level high enough to do so


I’d rather not have the Roblox Forums 2.0.


Removing the requirements turns the current forums into the og forums, and we know how that went… The requirements should most definitely be less strict, but they should be enough to deter non-developers from joining and trolling.