After referencing my “ServerHandler” module it seems to yield all of my other scripts without giving any error in the output and completely breaking my game
Is there a limit to how many times a module can be required? I’ve required this same module many times in other scripts without it failing.
local ServerHandler = require(script.Parent.Parent:WaitForChild("ServerHandler"))
In your leaderhandler right before you require the serverHandler. Can you print print(script.Parent.Parent:FindFirstChild("ServerHandler")) and also print print(ServerHandler) right after you reference it.
Also are you referencing it any differently than your other module/scripts?
Could you post the code thats inside serverHandler?
Also note that its 6am for me and I haven’t slept yet so if I stop responding it pretty much means I passed out. Hopefully someone else will be able to help you if that happens.
Wait are you requiring the module on the client? If so well then yeah the client doesn’t have access to server script service at all and hence it’l just wait forever.
It’s a lot of code to copy and paste but, none of the code in their should yield other requests from being made, especially since I’ve requested this same module from other scripts in the past with no problem.