Requiring any module freezes studio for ~10 seconds in certain place

This happens in the latest version and even if I pull up the oldest version I have available ( it still happens. That means this is not new and has been around for a while. It isn’t related to any specific module – even inserting the default module and requiring it freezes studio. There are no unions/folders in the place – only parts, models, meshes, and sounds. Repro file in confidential tags.

I’m not encountering any freezing when I call require on a module script. Do you have the actual code that caused this issue?

“Do you have the actual code that caused this issue?”

Originally I never thought it could be that because plugins can’t interfere with require(), but when I disable all of my plugins it doesn’t happen – if a plugin is causing this then that explains why it happened on the old version of studio too. I’ll enable the plugins one-by-one and see which one is causing the issue and post what I find because I assume it’s not a good thing that a plugin can cause this.

The problem was with Ethan’s Extended BrickColors plugin. If I enable every one of my other plugins but disable the Extended BrickColors plugin, the freezing no longer happens. You should be able to download his plugin and experience the freeze if you want to experience the issue I was having. I’ll look through his plugin and see if I can find out what causes the issue.

for i,v in next, GetDescendants(game) do
		if v and v.IsA and v:IsA'BasePart' then
		if v and v.IsA and v:IsA'BasePart' then

If I comment that out and run the plugin I can require modulescripts without freezing in that place. I assume that hooking up a .Changed event to every individual BasePart of the 5,889 total I had in that place was never a good idea in the first place, but why is it affecting require()? I was doing nothing more than inserting the default ModuleScript and requiring it – that has nothing to do with any of the BaseParts in the game. Why did it freeze?