ResampleMode - New Property for Image GUI Objects

I have a game full of surface gui’s in a game and it’s not really laggy or anything runs perfectly fine but i mean actual textures and decals.

If you wanna try the game here it is: PS1 test - Roblox just let the surfacegui’s load in first


That’s pretty neat, also what did you mean when you said: “Roblox would change a lot” in your original post?


It’s a huge deal, many people including me have been waiting for pixel graphics for years and honestly i think if it came to decals and textures it would have good potential for retro style games


Unsure how to get this to work well on small images?

The Diamond is a 750x750 canvas, while the coin is 21x21, both on Pixelated, yet both are super blurry. How can I make these images crisp when they are small?? I assumed the 21x21 would be good, but it isn’t.


For anyone stumbling on this (like me) and have already made a lot of 2D images but haven’t changed the resampling property; I made a nice piece of code you can run in your command line to change the resampling property of all your GUI images to pixelated

for i, v in pairs(game:GetDescendants()) do 
   if v:IsA("ImageButton") or v:IsA("ImageLabel") then 
      v.ResampleMode = Enum.ResamplerMode.Pixelated 

Anyways I just realized this would be really good for sprite sheets since you would only have to make one image and move it instead of switching images for quality.


Will ResampleMode be supported on mesh part textures? Right now there is no way to make a crisp pixelated texture or otherwise control the resampling method on any other objects.


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