I want to fix the code for a reserve server teleportation system that I have created. It uses a Gamepass, two module scripts, two RemoteEvents, and a unique JoinCode.
I’ve tried coding it myself initially, fixed a lot of bugs and got really close to having a working system, however, I am now lost. When I play test on Roblox everything works as usual, however, I get an error that the reserver servers id is incorrect (but it is not). The only script that you’d really need is the handler, the other scritps are for communicating to guis and to the server.
My reserve server handler:
local Gamepass = 176407715
local JoinCodeDataStore = game:GetService("DataStoreService"):GetDataStore("JoinCodes")
local CheckJoinCodeEvent = require(script.Parent.Parent.ReplicatedStorage:WaitForChild("CheckModule"))
local CreateJoinCodeEvent = require(script.Parent.Parent.ReplicatedStorage:WaitForChild("CreateModule"))
local EmptyServerLifetime = 300 -- 5 minutes in seconds
local function CreateServer(player, joinCode)
local success, errorMessage = pcall(function()
local playerHasGamepass = game:GetService("MarketplaceService"):UserOwnsGamePassAsync(player.UserId, Gamepass)
if playerHasGamepass then
print("You set up a server with join code: " .. joinCode)
-- Check if the join code is already associated with a server
local success, storedJoinCode = pcall(function()
return JoinCodeDataStore:GetAsync(joinCode)
if success and storedJoinCode then
warn("Join code is already associated with another server.")
-- Save join code to the data store
local success, saveError = pcall(function()
JoinCodeDataStore:SetAsync(joinCode, player.UserId)
if not success then
warn("Failed to save join code:", saveError)
warn("Player does not have the required gamepass.")
if not success then
warn("Error occurred while creating server:", errorMessage)
CheckJoinCodeEvent.OnServerEvent:Connect(function(player, joinCode)
if joinCode ~= "" then
local success, serverOwner = pcall(function()
return JoinCodeDataStore:GetAsync(joinCode)
if success and serverOwner then
print("Joining a server with the join code: " .. joinCode)
local tp = game:GetService("TeleportService")
local server = tp:ReserveServer(13432346530)
tp:TeleportToPrivateServer(13432346530, game.PlaceId, { player })
CreateJoinCodeEvent.OnServerEvent:Connect(function(player, joinCode)
CreateServer(player, joinCode)
-- Periodically check and delete empty servers
while true do
local success, storedJoinCodes = pcall(function()
return JoinCodeDataStore:GetAsync(100)
if success and storedJoinCodes then
for joinCode, serverOwner in pairs(storedJoinCodes) do
local player = game.Players:GetPlayerByUserId(serverOwner)
if not player then
local removeSuccess, removeError = pcall(function()
if removeSuccess then
print("Empty server with join code " .. joinCode .. " found. Join code removed.")
warn("Failed to remove join code " .. joinCode .. ":", removeError)
elseif not success then
warn("Failed to fetch join codes:", storedJoinCodes)
CheckJoinCodeEvent.OnServerEvent:Connect(function(player, joinCode)
if joinCode ~= "" then
local success, serverOwner = pcall(function()
return JoinCodeDataStore:GetAsync(joinCode)
if success and serverOwner then
print("Joining a server with the join code: " .. joinCode)
local tp = game:GetService("TeleportService")
local server = tp:ReserveServer(13432346530)
tp:TeleportToPrivateServer(13432346530, game.PlaceId, { player })
Specifically local server = tp:ReserveServer(13432346530) and tp:TeleportToPrivateServer(13432346530, game.PlaceId, { player })
The params for TeleportToPrivateServer are:
local code = TeleportService:ReserveServer(game.PlaceId)
TeleportService:TeleportToPrivateServer(game.PlaceId, code, players)
The reserved server code that you’re using is the game’s place id.
I did pull these two lines off of the documentation site
I’d also like to add, while you may have the join code, you’ll probably need to associate the reserved server token along with it, since otherwise when someone joins off this join code, they might not join the same server since it’ll just create a new server.
local join_data = {
OwnerId = player.UserId,
ServerToken = TeleportService:ReserveServer(game.PlaceId)
local success, saveError = pcall(function()
JoinCodeDataStore:SetAsync(joinCode, join_data)
Also another quick question unrelated to this issue. I have the datastore editor plugin, what key would I use for JoinCodes datastore to view the created codes? or would the key just be the code that the user inputs as their unique joincode?
Honestly, I’m not too sure completely. There’s many different ways people go about it, and personally I’ve never made a private server script alike.
This isn’t based on expert advice in the slightest
But for an idea, I do believe having one key for a whole list of code’s would be more convenient, less datastore calls and all the data is right there. Alongside that, having the unique code as the Key itself would be fine, but you’d probably need a method of allowing the player who ‘owns’ that unique code to be able to remember what they had in their own stored data. (Easy to forget these things)
While saving it to a datastore is nice, something that kind of annoys me about datastores is how the Key:Data still persists if it’s Key:nil so even if you can look through it using the datastore plugin, it can become quite messy to look in. Not saying this next idea is any better, but it removes the bloat key:nil situation.
Using MemoryStoreService, which should technically be better for these server to server type of jobs, main difference is that it persists until the provided duration is up. But at that point you can create a new code. I’ve never personally dived into using this service, but pretty sure it says somewhere within the documentation that that is one of the better/more recommended uses of this service.
I have figured out a solution and I am unsure why the previously mentioned system did not work.
If you are also struggling with getting something like this to work, I suggest approaching it a different way. For me, putting the teleportation system into a pcall function resolved the issue.
Didn’t work:
local TeleportService = game:GetService("TeleportService")
local code = TeleportService:ReserveServer(13432346530)
TeleportService:TeleportToPrivateServer(game.PlaceId, code, { player })
Did work:
local TeleportService = game:GetService("TeleportService")
local success, result = pcall(TeleportService.TeleportAsync, TeleportService, 13432346530, { player })