Reserved server limitations

Russian original

Какие существуют ограничения для зарезервированных серверов?

В частности интересует ограничение на число подключаемых туда игроков?

What are the restrictions for reserved servers?

In particular, are you interested in the limitation on the number of players connected there?

The player limit is set by the place whose ID is passed to the ReserveServer function.

The only limitation of a reserved server is that players cannot join it automatically. It is a server that’s detached from automatic matchmaking and can only be accessed through a server-sided method with an access code generated by ReserveServer. It’s also a single instance so if it’s at maximum capacity then no new players can join the server. All configurations of a reserved server are inherited by experience- or place-level settings.

Any other limitations can be imposed by the developer according to their systems.


Будем считать что это так и есть.

We will assume that this is so.

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