Reset Button not grayed out issue

Hiwi! Thanks for reading :3

Im using this script to disable the Reset Button of the player’s GUI. The script is located at StarterPlayerScripts (Reference post at the end)

When I test it on Studio for both PC and “Phone Version”, occurs this:
Why the Phone’s Reset Button is not grayed out? Any way to fix it?

local coreCall do
	local MAX_RETRIES = 8

	local StarterGui = game:GetService("StarterGui")
	local RunService = game:GetService("RunService")

	function coreCall(method, ...)
		local result = {}
		for retries = 1, MAX_RETRIES do
			result = {pcall(StarterGui[method], StarterGui, ...)}
			if result[1] then
		return unpack(result)
assert(coreCall("SetCore", "ResetButtonCallback", false))

Reference Post:

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local StarterGui = game:GetService('StarterGui')

StarterGui:SetCore("ResetButtonCallback", false)

Place this in a LocalScript placed in StarterCharacterScripts.

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Nope, I was using that simple code before, and causes errors. Look at the code I provided, its the same as yours but, its using a pcall in order to try 8 times on running, so it will work better.

What you mean, is that the script should be placed inside StarterCharacterScripts?? Really? Thats the only problem? Whats the difference if I placed on PlayerScripts ?

The character has to be loaded before setting the ResetButtonCallback to false. Otherwise it won’t function properly.

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I thought that was the idea to solve when that Dev made that script.
You suggest that I should fire the ResetButtonCallback to false on CharacterLoaded? I will, I hope that fixes it.
(BTW, actually the Reset Button is not grayed out, but the Resetting is actually disabled, so no errors, the only problem is that is not grayed out)

The Scripts inside StarterCharacterScripts folder, only start when the Character is loaded?

Im always using events since player joined, until finally character is loaded, in order to know if its completely loaded before manipulating in it.

Yes, the scripts themselves get placed inside the character.

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Yup I know the scripts are placed inside the Model. I just wanna know if those scripts fires when the Model/Character is completely loaded, or before.
As I said, I always use events to check that, and never tried to depend only on the script location

Whenever the model is created is when the script starts. If you are waiting for something to load inside the model you should use :WaitForChild().


Yup, thank you so much! I use WaitForChild() many times for different tasks. Okie, well Im gonna try to see if I can make that button grayed out xD thank you!

Also if it works make sure to mark the solution.


:confused: Nope same behaviour… Dont u think that maybe is a Studio little glitch or something?

Cause… Before I made this post, it was working fine, the Reset button was disabled, On Color of course but, it was disabled… And still disabled and still on color, I already changed the script to CharacterScripts. Works the same as before, disabled with color

Which code are you using? charrrrr

I tried with both, with the one you provided, and the one surrounded by pcall. Both are the same actually

Mine seems to work :confused:

that script is esencially the same as the one I pasted in the main topic.
And mine works too, but only for PC, look at the pics. PC version is grayed out perfectly, and Phone version is not, (its the same game :v, same scripts)

Im asking for Phone, cause on PC works perfect I know. Phone doesnt, at least on Studio

If you are talking about mobile I would try this. Either way I don’t think it will blacken it out on mobile.

Thats a weird funny solution xD
In the game Im making I think I already set the dead state of the humanoid to false :confused:
I dont think that will fix it, cause its already done

Then that’s practically all you can do. Mobile reset button is already disabled its just not blackened.

Yeah… thats a pity u ,u
I wanted that button blackened… anyway… I will live with it :v
Thank you for ur help :3