Hey. I have a script where a player can be arrested with a set amount of time and allat works fine but there is a problem. Because whenever the player gets arrested I obviously want the arresting officers data to get reset so he can arrest other people (specifically the arrestTime) but resetting it interferes with the current arrest.
rep.JailStuff.RemoteEvents.Arrested.OnServerEvent:Connect(function(plr, arrestingOfficer)
local cuffedPlayer = game.Players[plr.PlayerGui.Interface.ArrestFrame.PlayerInCuffs.Value]
local ArrestTime = plr.PlayerGui.Interface.ArrestFrame.ArrestTime.Value
-- Setting up the cuffed player
local previousTeam = cuffedPlayer.Team
cuffedPlayer.Team = game.Teams.Jailed
cuffedPlayer.JailInfo.isArrested.Value = true
cuffedPlayer.JailInfo.timeLeft.Value = ArrestTime
-- Move the cuffs to the officer's backpack
game.Workspace[arrestingOfficer]:FindFirstChild("Cuffs").Parent = game.Players[arrestingOfficer].Backpack
cuffedPlayer.PlayerGui.Interface.TimeLeftInJail.Visible = true
-- Move the cuffed player to the jail spawn
workspace[cuffedPlayer.Name].HumanoidRootPart.Anchored = true
-- Display the remaining time in jail
local timeLeftText = cuffedPlayer.PlayerGui.Interface.TimeLeftInJail.TimeLeft
timeLeftText.Text = "Time Left: " .. ArrestTime
-- Create a coroutine to handle the countdown
for i = ArrestTime, 0, -1 do
timeLeftText.Text = "Time Left: " .. tostring(i)
-- After countdown ends, reset the cuffed player
cuffedPlayer.JailInfo.isArrested.Value = false
cuffedPlayer.JailInfo.timeLeft.Value = 0
cuffedPlayer.Team = previousTeam
workspace[cuffedPlayer.Name].HumanoidRootPart.Anchored = false
cuffedPlayer.PlayerGui.Interface.TimeLeftInJail.Visible = false
-- Reset the officer's arrest data immediately so they can arrest againso
plr.PlayerGui.Interface.ArrestFrame.ArrestTime.Value = 0
plr.PlayerGui.Interface.ArrestFrame.PlayerInCuffs.Value = nil
plr.PlayerGui.Interface.ArrestFrame.CuffedPlayer.Text = nil