Hello, I would like to know how to reset the player’s checkpoints to zero because my game saves or they are even when he leaves the game and if the player wants to start again or I who need to start again for my tests on the game how did you do?
I presume you are saving the checkpoints via a datastore?
If this is the case you would have to reset the players checkpoint back to 0 before they leave the game and your datastore should overwrite the existing data with the new checkpoint when they leave the game
yes via datastore and how do i do that? I’m French I’m a little sorry
All you have to do is reset the players checkpoint value before they leave the game. Now when the player leaves the game the data store will save this new value so when they rejoin the game it will detect the players checkpoint as 0
I would also suggest saving the datastore before they leave the game as well just to be save using SetAsync