Reset player's appearence?

So I’m making a roleplay game that has an avatar editor. However, I’m having trouble resetting the player’s appearance. Here is my code right now for resetting it.

	elseif type == "Reset" then
		player.FaceId.Value = ""
		player.ShirtId.Value = ""
		player.PantsId.Value = ""
		local humanoiddes = character.Humanoid.HumanoidDescription
		--character.Head.face.Texture = "rbxassetid://".. humanoiddes.Face
		local URI = clothingchange(humanoiddes.Shirt,"Shirt")
		character.Shirt.ShirtTemplate = URI
		URI = clothingchange(humanoiddes.Pants,"Pants")
		character.Pants.PantsTemplate = URI

i think you’re getting the current humanoid description instead of the actual player’s humanoid description but im not sure. maybe try this:
