ResetPlayerGuiOnSpawn does not replicate to client when FilteringEnabled

I believe this is an unintended behaviour so…
When FilteringEnabled is true, game:GetService(“StarterGui”).ResetPlayerGuiOnSpawn does not seem to replicate to the client. So if ResetPlayerGuiOnSpawn is unchecked (false) in StarterGui, the PlayerGui will still reset on respawn.

To fix this, the player must write game:GetService(“StarterGui”).ResetPlayerGuiOnSpawn = false in a LocalScript.

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Thanks for the heads up, I was wondering why ResetPlayerGuiOnSpawn wasn’t working in my game. I hope Roblox will look into this.

EDIT: at least, slap a warning on the FE tutorial about things like this that don’t replicate. I’ve gone and set it locally in my game so I’m fine.

set it locally.

There are sooo many threads about this at this point. The solution is to set it in a local script as mentioned above and it will work fine.

I had a hacky workaround for months before I figured out what was happening.

Regardless of easy workaround, this isn’t intentional and should be fixed :confused: