Resetting camera is not working?

I am trying to reset a player’s camera after an intro that uses Camera Manipulation. Any idea why this isn’t working?

Camera.CameraType = Enum.CameraType.Custom
Camera.CameraSubject = game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character.Humanoid
Camera.CFrame = game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character.Head.CFrame

Can you elaborate “not working”? Does it give errors or what happens?

Perhaps just remove the camera.CFrame, since it will auto do that when the make the subject?

Other than that, keep looking! Try print statements! It may be an error before that piece of code?

u cant manipulate with camera if it’s type is Custom… If u want to manipulate do Scriptable. Like this:

Camera.CameraType = Enum.CameraType.Scriptable

Try removing the CameraSubject and CFrame line.

As stated above, when setting the camera to Custom it’ll enable the camera to be effect by the players scripts. So just set the CameraType to Custom then set it’s subject to the players Humanoid and it should be fixed.

@nuttela_for1me The only thing you can manipulate while the camera is set to Custom is it’s orientation.

It wouldn’t make a difference.

I am trying to reset the camera…
I didn’t think you could do that if the camera was set to scriptable.

I am trying to reset it to the default camera, not manipulate it.

There are no errors, and all the code after the resetting works fine.

What works for me after manipulating the camera using scriptable, is just setting the camera to custom. Thats all I do, just change the cameratype back to custom.

As you can see in the original post, that is not working.

Don’t set the CFrame of the camera it should move when subject is set may need to set it first then custom

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