Resize model plugin's pivot point glitch

Hello, Ive been trying to resize down my map but it wont work properly and not scale down with the roblox studio tool:

Since it’s not working like this i decided to install this resize model plugin which actually works perfectly fine and does what i want, the only problem with this plugin is that for some reasons, the pivot points of the model stay at the same position as before when scaling down.

This is what i mean after scaling down:

is there any other way to rescale down alot of models properly easily? here is an example of a model after using the plugin to scale down


I don’t know if it’s a plugin bug or something else, but you can just group the map into one model, then go to the command bar and type this:

local Model =game.Workspace.Model – Your map
for _,Parts in pairs(Model:GetDescendants()) do
Parts.PivotOffset =,0,0)

doing like so you just get all descendants of your map and place them at the center of your model.
of course this is the solution if you want the pivot to stay at the center of mass of each part of your map, if that’s the case, then this is a solution.

if not , so you want the pivot to keep the same position on the part / mesh / model even if scaled, tell me and i’ll find another solution :slight_smile: