Hello, I hope you are feeling well! I want to make that once I add a GuiObject to a ScrollingFrame, this one resizes the CanvasSize without affecting the size of the GuiObject. I want all to use Scale and not Offset. I am having a lot of issues trying to make such thing, I have tried the Layout plugin and it didn’t worked. I have lost like a lot of brain cells in these two days trying to figure it out how to do such thing without using any other StyleLayout. I have this thing so far but it doesn’t work properly either.
local LayoutSizes = {}
local function Adjust(ScrollingFrame)
local UIGridLayout = ScrollingFrame:FindFirstChildOfClass("UIGridLayout")
if UIGridLayout == nil then return end
if LayoutSizes[UIGridLayout] == nil then LayoutSizes[UIGridLayout] = UIGridLayout.CellSize end
local function GetAbsoluteSize()
local XScale, YScale = LayoutSizes[UIGridLayout].X.Scale, LayoutSizes[UIGridLayout].Y.Scale
return UDim2.new(0, XScale*ScrollingFrame.AbsoluteSize.X, 0, YScale*workspace.CurrentCamera.ViewportSize.Y)
local Size, Count = GetAbsoluteSize(), #ScrollingFrame:GetChildren()
UIGridLayout.CellSize = Size
ScrollingFrame.CanvasSize = UDim2.new(0, 0, 0, Count*(Size.Y.Offset))
--- The Piece of Code below is for testing purposes --- :)
local ScrollingFrame = script.Parent.ScreenGui.ScrollingFrame
Have in mind I just want to have a ScrollingFrame which has a UIGridLayout in it and every time I add a GuiObject, the ScrollingFrame should resize the canvas size without affecting anything else. I want also to be able to call a function that adjusts it. In other words, if I clone something and insert it in the ScrollingFrame at run time, I will also call the function so it resizes the ScrollingFrame.
If you know please help me, cuz I am feeling like I wasted two days trying to do such task…