ResizeAlign v1.3 - Rounded Join + Dragger Mode

What is a test case file? also which settings do I post?

Oh I just mean, “Save to File…” the place (or part of the place) that doesn’t work right and post the .rbxl file here so that I can look at it. And give me enough context to know what doesn’t work correctly, either describe what options you picked in the ResizeAlign UI or take a video.

It has been doing this in every single game I open, but here is one of the ones I tried testing it on.
Test12.rbxl (37.1 KB)
I tried using pretty much every single option I could in the UI to make it work but they all had pretty much the same result.

Thanks, I’ll take a look later today.


  • Fixed the above issue. ResizeAlign now respects the “Join Surfaces” toggle as though you had resized the parts using the Scale tool: WeldConstraints will be updated correctly, Welds will be broken, and welds will be reformed in the new position if the Join Surfaces toggle is enabled.

  • Introduce a new “Dragger Mode”: While holding Ctrl you can now select and drag parts as though you had the Select tool selected. This lets you both position and resize parts using ResizeAlign without having to switch tools.

I’ve been having this issue for a while and I’m not sure how to fix it. This has been happening since before v1.3 too. Am I missing some obscure studio setting somewhere or is this something else?

What issue exactly? It somehow going to a negative screen position and that not being fixable?

That should be an easy fix, I should never let it go offscreen, I’ll take a look this weekend. Until then you can uninstall and reinstall it and that should clear the settings (like, uninstall, not just disable).

Uninstall/reinstall worked, I guess I had to just hard restart the plugin after the 1.3 update. Thank you very much, your plugins are a huge help!

This is probably one of the best quality of life plugins out there. Thank you a lot for making this.

It would be great if you added a multi object object mode to Extend up to and Èxtend in to.
How it would work is that you could select multiple objects (preferrably via the current studio selection)

This would be a very great quality of life feature.

Updated to support the recent Improvements to Part Shape & Size change.

Updated with first release from Github as source of truth.

  • Now copies MaterialVariant for parts generated with rounded join mode.

Can you explain or at least give some source to read, on how it calculates inner / outer touch. Im working on game with curved roads, and even tho I know how curved roads and everything everything works, I need to make my roads align properly in real time.

When I click on both links to the plugin, I am greeted with this. What happened?

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Did you take your plugins down? Every plugin of yours 404’s when I try to visit

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Yeah, what happened? I’ve noticed this last week. Did Roblox nuke your plugins or did you take them down yourself @stravant if so then could you supply a reason please? Since no doubt many developers (including me) rely heavily on your amazing set of plugins.

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Check again? All of the pages show for me. @zootcats @Crazedbrick1


I got a DMCA strike and didn’t log in / notice for a few days so my stuff was down until I logged in and hit the okay button.


Just in case anyone needs this a few years down the line, I’ve taken the liberty of adding StudioSelectable support.

only changes made has been to simpleGetTarget in “main” to this if you aren’t comfortable downloading my version:

function simpleGetTarget()
	local ray =, mouse.UnitRay.Direction*999)
	local ignore = {mGuiContainer}
	if mState == 'FaceB' then
		table.insert(ignore, mFaceA.Object)
	local params =
	params.FilterType = Enum.RaycastFilterType.Exclude
	params.FilterDescendantsInstances = ignore
	params.CollisionGroup = "StudioSelectable"
	local hit = workspace:Raycast(ray.Origin, ray.Direction, params)
	local at
	if not hit then
		at = ray.Origin + ray.Direction
		at = hit.Position
		hit = hit.Instance
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Nevermind, make sure when using Stravant Plugins to not download it’s .rbxm and put it in the plugin folder incase you have any inconsistencies with it.

need access permission
