Resizing tool not working when I press Ctrl

I’m trying to do some building in studio, but whenever I try to resize, although it works at first, if I press CTRL when sizing it stops working. The sizing orbs just freeze in place, and I can’t move the part unless I change tool, and when I do change tools, I can’t change back to sizing. I’ve looked around but none of the topics or info I found about sizing issue were related to my issue.

Here’s a photo after I change tools and move the part. The orbs just freeze in place and you can’t interact with it:


Please help, it’s messing up my building process.


Try saving the place, and restart Studio. Occasionally I have this issue. I think it could be a bug with Studio.

I tried that, but it happens again whenever i press CTRL to resize a part both ways.

Hmmmm… Odd. Try unplugging/turning off your keyboard. Really all I know to do would be to troubleshoot the different potential causes.

I am also having the same issue with the exact same errors, let’s hope roblox staff sees this and fixes it soon!

Dm @Bug-Support for this bug they will reply u

yeah I’m thinking it is an update bug or something, it never happened before. Started like 2 days ago.

Same here, I tried tried re-installing but no improvements ;-;