Resources for learning to use Blender?

Can ya’ll personally recommend any YouTube channels or websites that help you learn to use Blender?

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If you want to be like everyone else, start with the Blender donut tutorial by Blender Guru. It will walk you through using a lot of Blender’s tools. CGMatter is another good channel to follow tutorials and learn new things. Lastly, I really like Grant Abbitt. He makes all kinds of cool things and has some tutorials. I’m 4500 hours into Blender and didn’t really know about all these at the time so I learned by myself. Boy do I wish I had known about all the tutorials lol

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Have you had the opportunity to do a small search, there are numerous of threads on the forum that leave information and resources with attached beginner videos on where to start.

For a beginner wanting to learn blender start with a recommended channel; such as ‘blender gurus’ beginner tutorial (donut & mug one) is a great place to start, it’s incredibly in terms of learning the basic tools, techniques, and workflow of blender. He goes into more detail and explains a lot. There are already hundreds of videos you can find in a matter of seconds.

Here is a basic video to start with, as it shows you majority on how things work.

There’s plenty of great resources out there, like how jordonh23 posted. Blender Guru is a great start to learn Blender. I myself am planning on learning it soon, but there’s also a devforum thread of sharing useful resources about Blender. I hope this helps you.

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I strongly encourage you to watch this YouTuber called Grant Abbit, as I have learned a ton from his videos he gets straight to point in his videos. While explaining what he is doing exactly and has keys on the bottom left corner of the vid telling you what he is pressing. Grant Abbitt - YouTube