Respawn Problems

Let me get rid of all the meta replies real quick

  • Yes, it is a server script
  • Yes, it is in ServerScriptService
  • Yes, the script isn’t disabled
  • No, I am not using spawn location
  • No, the leaderstats are not nil
  • No, the function does fire
  • The plr variable is actually the parameter passed from the PlayerAdded event.

Anyways with that out of the way I have this code-snippet

	char:WaitForChild("HumanoidRootPart").CFrame = workspace.Levels.LevelsPhysical[tostring(plr.leaderstats.Levels.Value)].CFrame +,5,0)

Oddly enough when running it in the terminal in-game with

local char = workspace.CoderHusk workspace.Levels.LevelsPhysical[tostring(game.Players.CoderHusk.leaderstats.Levels.Value)].CFrame +,5,0)

it works. However the code-snippet I first showed doesn’t work for some odd reason.

A thing I think I should note is that when I respawn my humanoid root part starts really high up and lands not at (0,0.5,0) but rather (0,0,3)

Maybe try this

	char:WaitForChild("HumanoidRootPart").CFrame = workspace.Levels.LevelsPhysical[tostring(plr.leaderstats.Levels.Value)].CFrame +,5,0)
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Could it be possible that you rotated the part by accident?

My buddy on discord helped me out, oddly enough they don’t say this on the wiki but CharacterAdded fires when the player just “exists” the parent was nil. I fixed it by just waiting till it was in workspace

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Hello, how are you doing?

If i’m right, CFrames cannot have strings.

You may want to change this line

Glad you figured out you’re problem!

Oh great, you found the problem yourself :slight_smile:

For those curious, the problem was that the .CharacterAdded event fires as soon as the Character is assigned to the player. By this point the Character model is parented to nil, so you should wait for the character to be reparented to the Workspace before continuing :slight_smile: