Response to code safety review discussion

Oh that was my suggestion to maybe have Roblox branch into two. Have adult/teenage accounts verify themselves that they’re a mature account, have it show up on a bank statement as ‘Roblox Mature’ etc.

So that Roblox doesn’t have to enforce all games on Roblox to be kids friendly, Roblox could just focus on making sure the developers that marked their games for kids/everyone to be safe for them and then other developers that wish to develop for a more mature audience gets a more reduced limitation on what they can develop, such as gore, amputation, stuff like Rated M games on Roblox.

Roblox is starting to become a very powerful platform, they really need to consider branching to more mature audiences. You may think that Roblox is strictly kids only, it’s because Roblox is making it be only kids friendly at this time. You can’t have high amounts of gore, you have to use Roblox filtering which filters the word ‘lmao’ and randomly filters your messages that you say over and over. They’re really trying to focus on avoiding another PR issue, when all they can do is put the excuse on the parents that paid the kid access to ‘Roblox Mature’ content.

Stuff like inappropriate content of an ‘adult 18+’ matter should stay off Roblox for sure, but stuff like gore is still being a grey area on Roblox. Some game developers get their game slapped under review when they just released a trailer, Roblox staff are being forced to moderate everything when they could just moderate games that developers mark as kids friendly.

Assets could be restricted to be only able to be used on mature only games, games could have two versions, kids friendly and teens.

It’s just a suggestion after all, it is Roblox decision to keep with being kids friendly after all. I grew up on Roblox for a long time, and now being mature, I would like to play some mature games, but Roblox doesn’t have anyone working on that because they can’t.


This makes Roblox sound like something way different than it is, if you see what I’m referring to. I don’t think making a +18 part of Roblox will fix this problem. The issue here is the Roblox moderation system, not ages of players.

Edit: is the devforum being really slow right now?

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Yeah, it’s being really slow right now.

Not just an 18+ side of Roblox, I’m talking about a 16+ of Roblox where chat filtering isn’t so strict, games could be more ‘graphic’.

I just believe having a 16+ side would allow developers less ‘harsh filtering’ from code being reviewed for being harmful by having developers that want to develop for the mature to only have warnings instead of terminations.

It was a thought since Roblox is getting lots of players lately to play that the moderation team seems overwhelmed and is simply declining the majority of appeals. I’ve had the blunt end of being declined by the appeals team and it feels like they didn’t even message me.


We’ve all been there, it’s a sad part about this platform. It’s pushed me to want to leave the platform a few times, ngl.

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A lot of things can be identified, it just takes more complex filters.

Again, this is fighting a problem that doesn’t exist.
In my 6 years of playing this game, I once joined a game with sexual content. The sexual content was added by an exploiter.

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No, they’re looking for content that runs counter to the Roblox TOS. For example, @NickoSCP was repeatedly terminated and unterminated (he’s now unterminated for good because of the community sages’ dissatisfaction) because he failed to use FilterStringASync (which means he didn’t apply Roblox’s chat filter to his custom chat interface).

There are still problems with that, one being that he wasn’t given a warning before being terminated.

Even human moderation can result in a false moderation? Gee, that sure makes me confident in how “specially-trained” this code moderation team is.

Regardless, our code is already being automatically parsed through by an AI. That AI is capable of warning players automatically. But, in the all the moderations I’ve heard come of this system, not one was warned. The only warning I’d ever seen came from a false-positive, and that’s just objectively flawed. Warnings shouldn’t be automated regardless, as the AI is so well-known for its infamous false-positives.

Everything that has come of this feature has only led me closer to the conclusion that it’s more automated than the developer relations team is making it out to be.


Of course, Roblox always ends up doing something developers hate and never actually does anything to fix it. It has been like this since the creation of Roblox. They will always do something annoying. There’s nothing we can do about it but watch. Anything we say won’t do anything, because they just don’t listen.


I think that’s being unfair. Roblox is a big company, you can’t expect it to change because some people want it, there are a lot of things that you have to consider.
If you hate Roblox so much, then don’t be a developer(I assume you want to be one cause you’re on the developer forum).

None of the changes Roblox made here are necessary.

They’ve added more expense to Roblox’s side, not less. There’s no incentive for such a poorly received change to stay in place other than fear of lawsuits/media crucification of their platform.

Which could be alleviated with EULAs and TOS changes.

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The AI obviously is either not being punished for false positives or being rewarded for positive flags. Such a system needs to have false positives harshly punished to reduce the number of false positives. Sure, you get false negatives because of that but it’s unreasonable to expect flawless performance.

love the idea of 16+. It will mature the platform a lot what is they want.


My only concern does this affect old uploaded models
or deactivated places?
and what if we get flagged without even doing anything wrong?
Does this affect obfuscated scripts what if its obfuscated and it has swearing???

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Roblox is currently working on an age rating system; but there are more complications than you assume.

I just love being banned for using open sourced code. How come roblox doesnt punish the original creators yet they punish oblivious and innocent people who use it in their game.

Just a heads up to everyone: Someone that I know has just gotten banned for having profanity in their scripts. These scripts are not shown to anyone, so there should be no reason this user got banned. image
(Reminder that this isn’t my image)


Yup, that’s what I thought. They talk about not looking for “swear words” in scripts but they’re lying. Great job, Roblox! You have given developers more distrust in you.


Are we gonna ignore the time roblox left a swear on a gear? The Power Glove printed “Dropping stuff” at one point. Hypocritical smh.

Joking aside, why are private places being moderated? Places where only the game owner has play and edit permissions? That’s pretty dumb, and before you say they aren’t, a friend of mine got a 3 day ban just an hour or 2 ago because he accidentally left something he was sent that was inappropriate. The place was entirely private, only he had access to it, yet it got flagged. Why, Roblox? You can’t even say it was endangering players or anything as only the sole developer had access to it. In my opinion, places that aren’t public and have never been public shouldnt get flagged for review. If a place gets made public, then yeah, sure, but if it’s private then why should it matter?


He accidentally left grab knife v4 in his modulescript, just to clear it up ^^

(For those unaware, this has a adult toy mode in it, he was sent it and was seeing what it was, he forgot to remove it. Doesn’t excuse roblox banning him as it was on a private place, where nobody was endangered except for himself, where he willingly inserted it.)

The ban reason is also still extremely vague. It doesn’t say which script or anything, just… “the game’s scripts”
Which script? There’s 20 or 30 of them, so we don’t even know for sure if it WAS grab knife v4, or something else.


This is false, do not spread fake news.

The announcement is clear on this. Please actually read it.