Restart timer after converted content in TextLabel changes (Bleed System)

  1. What do you want to achieve?
    It’s simple, but I am out of ideas. I want to restart a loop/the timer everytime the Text from the TextLabel updates. I am converting the string into a number so that won’t be the problem.

Everytime a player hits another player, an event (Bleed) is fired and connects in this script where it increases the number of bleed by 0.5 which works, and makes the bleed icon visible. Moreover I want the bleeding to stop after the amount of bleed decreases by one until it hits 0. If it hit zero the timer/loop will break, and the icon becomes invisible.

  1. What is the issue?
    The timer does not reset properly, since 10 is currently set as default it just counts down from 10. After 10 seconds the icon disappears. Though I want it so if the player is being hit and the number next to the icon increases by or ends at let’s say 18, I want the timer to count down from 18 and then make the icon invisible.

  2. What solutions have you tried so far?
    YouTube, other DevForum posts

What it looks like:
Screenshot (3927)

 -- Increase Bleed ---
	script.Parent.Visible = true

--Functions --
function BleedEnabled()
	script.Parent.Amount.Text = tonumber(script.Parent.Amount.Text) + 0.5
	local BleedAmount = tonumber(script.Parent.Amount.Text)

	local player = game.Players.LocalPlayer
	local hum = game.Workspace:WaitForChild("Characters"):WaitForChild(player.Name):WaitForChild("Humanoid")

	local timer = BleedAmount;

		while hum.Health > 0 do -- loop until the player dies
				timer -= 1;
			until timer <= 0;
			script.Parent.Visible = false
			timer = BleedAmount;

		local NewTimer = tonumber(script.Parent.Amount.Text)
		timer = BleedAmount

		if BleedAmount >= 0 then
			script.Parent.Visible = true

If any of you have any questions, feel free to ask as I might have been unclear about what I want to achieve. Any help is appreciated.

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Does nobody have an idea how to fix this?

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Maybe replace it with this, I don’t know if it will help, or if it’s what you’re looking for.

        local NewTimer = tonumber(script.Parent.Amount.Text)
		timer = NewTimer

		if timer >= 0 then
			script.Parent.Visible = true


     timer -= 1;

until hum.Health <= 0 or timer <= 0
script.Parent.Visible = false


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Oh wow it works!! Thank you so much <3

There’s just one little thing, how do I prevent the timer to go into negative numbers, because I testplayed which works but yeah the timer continues

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I don’t know, could you send me the server script that gets rid of the health?

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