Restaurant Logo Feedback

Today, I made this logo for a restaurant/cafe-like game I’ve been working on. I would like feedback/suggestions on this menu so that I can improve this to its best. Any feedback relating to the menu would greatly be appreciated!

Hotaru translates to Firefly


Looks awesome, good job!

  1. The fire doesn’t quiet well match with the over all design.
  2. The shadow on the H is way too off, I’ll try making it a bit closer.
  3. Same with the name below (Hotaru)
  4. Try something other than a rectangle line, maybe you could make the background the fire itself.

Just keep playing around and keep up the great work!

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Thank you so much for your suggestion again! I appreciate you taking the time to help improve all my designs. :slight_smile:

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The fire itself as a background sounds like a great idea! I’m not sure which color I should make that so it can fit in though. I was thinking black but still hesitant. What colors do you think?

Edit: I can also use gradients :slight_smile:

The orange fire is great, but you could try a gradient with a mix of the white, just a little bit. You can also make the fire the background with the outline being the white.

Maybe the fire, with the text in the middle slicing the fire in half, and the big H in the middle.

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Ahh thanks! I will probably post another topic tomorrow showing it. I feel like I’m making too many topics on the same thing lol. With the fire in half, I’m not sure if I’m able to to do that. But I did make a gradient with an outline.

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Don’t worry, you’re not making too much. It means you’re learning and willing to learn! Try anything you can think of and post again later! I can’t wait.