Restored a 15 Year Old Showcase

this took an hour and a half? i mean i’ll take your word for it but it looks like you just changed the lighting

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Well over a period the game was laggy, buggy, and unplayable, so I had to spend 30 minutes removing uselesss and old scripts, and etc, spawns were broken so I had to fix those, so 30m went into being playable, the rest was converting the game from Legacy to Voxel to Shadowmap then to Future. Which took another 30 minutes cause the game looked terrible, had to recolor the entire map, mostly an hour all total for converting it to now, the rest was texture updates, graphics, and fixing some of the map, and that was about it. Also if you see @Honkuleys and my most recent messages in this thread you can see that this is my first time attempting to ‘restore’ a game, so I tried my best, maybe soon I’ll fully restore it.

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I’m going to do that now thanks

Instead, of “remastered”, since you didn’t make it from scratch, you should call it a “restoration”. Looks great btw.

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I would suggest rebuilding all the assets in the map and redesigning the map if needed. That should increase the quality of this build.

Add a world border, add clouds, change the materials of all the assets, and add a slight yellow tint to ColorShift_Top.

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I see no difference other than lighting and the change of materials. It overall looks the same, and I’m pretty sure nostalgia would be achieved if someone just went to the original place.

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I’ll keep that in mind for my next one.