When i got a feedback for necrobumping
i wondered
Why dont they just restrict posts that are very old
Would improve my experience for less feedbacks
and its hard to not necrobump
so yeah imo this should be added
When i got a feedback for necrobumping
i wondered
Why dont they just restrict posts that are very old
Would improve my experience for less feedbacks
and its hard to not necrobump
so yeah imo this should be added
Not all posts should be restricted if they are old. Say for example an old community tutorial or resource and someone wants help in it. If they were to be restricted then it would be inconvenient.
Thats why DMing exists in dev forum
(if they need help from multiple people add more people in the DM)
Dming would be helpful for personal or too specific questions. Say that you make a community tutorial and someone finds an issue with it, they would usually point it out as a reply. Take another example for a dev discussion topic. Those can go on for ages!
Usually doesnt mean always
So this is based on opinion
I see it differently
Lets say you were in real life universe and in a store u found an error with the products
You wouldnt just shout it out
You would tell the highest position person u can find
Sounds like a non-issue, simply check if your reply is actually something relevant enough & worthy of bumping an old post with additional unheard of information or context, if not, don’t reply.
No dude just no
You don’t know who’s gonna help you, that’s the damn point
it was worthy and i still got a feedback
You’re mixing shouting with a reply. This isn’t a real life universe. Another factor to include is that a lot of people have their dms off. What then?
And you still didn’t give an answer on development discussion topics.
discord, guilded or roblox messaging or just finding a post they are active in then add smth related to the topic then include the off topic (u cant get a feedback that way)
u said it was an example like the other one ( read it like that ) so it was unnessscary to answer imo
also that was a statement not a question so i couldnt answer it but i could comment on it
U also dont know who will help u even if the post was new
Like i said, that’s the point
Restricting old posts will do absolutely nothing other than strip everyone of the small chance opportunity of adding on with possibly useful information or reaching out to someone, if your post gets deleted for ‘necrobumping’ regardless of its usefulness, you still lose absolutely nothing, post removal doesn’t attribute to your account moderation status, all that happens is your post gets wiped and the thread remains untouched, this won’t do anything good.
Pretty sure you’re allowed to necrobump relevant questions since having 50000 duplicate posts to sift through would be significantly worse
(Post: Privacy concern with localization service)
Date; 5 years ago
If the thread remains untouched since it will get wiped, then why dont u make it untouchable
Honestly you won jackpot with this moderation action… This’s first time I see that someone complains about that.
Because not all posts are necrobumps, and not all of them will be removed, why do you want something added that would have more downsides than upsides? it’s upto you as a poster to make sure your post is genuinely relevant/useful, if it gets removed then it’s a shame, but there’s no reason to entirely lock threads.
That wasnt my post, was a reply and thx
Actually has more upsides and downsides but the downsides occur more than the upsides which makes it feel like the downsides are more than the upsides
Its always going to get removed if u necrobump, i never seen a post that has a necrobump without it getting deleted
So just restrict replies on it :}