Restricted Place Issue

or is it a textbutton that needs to be clicked

A text button that needs to be clicked…

Why are you using :Teleport? You should really be using TeleportAsync as stated in the docs. I don’t think that should cause this issue but I thought I would just say.

I’m using that because I chose to.

enable teleport to place in
Settings > Security

Issue is the game you are trying to teleport to is not public (or at least not sure if you got the wrong ID cuz the place that I got from the ID you put in is not public).

I created some code which I tested which would teleport you to a plublic game and it works fine for me until I put the ID you have in your code so I guess that is the issue:

local Button = script.Parent.TextButton

local Plr = game.Players.LocalPlayer

local TP = game:GetService("TeleportService")


TP:Teleport(10688509762, Plr)

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Not my game but my friends this is for. It was public and it never worked.

Still Restricted it says. Not sure what to do anymore…

My only other guess could be that your friend game does not have this setting enabled (or ur game does not, not sure how this setting works really).

I do have it enabled and still nothing. Its teleports the players to the game inside of the game so like in asset manager it teleports them to that game that is inside that but still won’t.

Not really sure what the issue could be then. Not sure if it might be a bug in the :Teleport or something cuz the code I sent in the comment below seems to work fine and teleport players to a live game which is public but it gives me the exact same issue when I try teleport to the other one. My only other thing is you could try the code I sent inside of comment linked below.

That is the script I just tried.

Unsure what the issue is. Make sure ur friend game has this enabled and try and ensure the game is public.

Sorry I can’t be of more help.

Its fine, we just been trying to bring this game out for over a year now and we don’t know what to do. We are sure it is public and the teleport thing is on.

This might be the issue what does the second line mean?

Not sure. I have never seen this issue before. From reading it, it looks like the game is not published even though it clearly is or it would not be on the site…

Strange. I wish we could figure this out.

2 options

  1. enable third teleport in both games
  2. make both games Public. (not friends only, u can just add ur friends to play it using tc)
  3. publish the game (main game)
    or the player is nil lul

Did all this nothing. Anything else?

All i can think of, is redoing everything.
I recommend following this tutorial incase you missed something.

This is basicly a last resort option.
Oh yeah and make sure you have the correct place ID

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