Restricting access to the contents of other players for all clients

As a Roblox developer, it is currently too hard to restrict access to the contents of other players in the players list without causing more issues and/or still being insecure to exploiters. You might try and destroy the contents of the player with a local script, but this could still potentially be exploited, and it may even cause glitches. I believe this is a problem for many reasons! In my opinion it adds more privacy, more ease of access, AND it also adds security. Let’s take for example: you had a login screen function for parts of your game. Instead of calling the username and password from a data store every time the login screen is logged into (Which may cause data loss) or making a new folder in the server storage every time a new player joins, you could just get the password and username from the player. If the important data were children of the player not only would it be easier to add and be accessed by scripts on the server side, but it would also be much more secure to get them with local scripts if it’s ever necessary because you could put the needed remote inside the player, that way only that player can fire the remote and with little to no delay.

If this issue is addressed, it would improve my development experience because:

  1. It makes roblox more secure on ALL games because a user may want to keep their inventory private to other players, but because the client currently has access to any and all players through exploits, they could join a game that allows gear and any exploiter could go snooping through their backpack and easily see all their gear.

  2. It would make development easier because it removes steps in securing player data. For example: Instead of having to create a folder in the server storage and adding a BoolValue every time a player joins, a developer could simply put the BoolValue into the player, and it would be inaccessible/invisible to exploiters!

  3. If the client for any reason needed access to another player, it could easily be done with a remote event.

But of course, this is just my opinion. If it’s not possible to be added, or the community disagrees with this change, that’s just fine by me! :slight_smile:

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