Restricting minor features by user Age

That’s like saying banning a user from your game because they are hacking is discriminating because they enjoy the game with hacking…


Once again - I have no reason to believe this is a violation of the ToU in any way and if I find out that it is a ToU violation I will take down the model.

Moderation is handled “case by case” but I’ve never seen a case of any game get taken down for this specific issue.

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cc @sloss2003

The rules are not exhaustive.

This is for account user age, not their actual real-life age. Which is what the TOS is referencing.

LOL hacking is against ToS as well so I don’t see what’s your point

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I’m aware – I was using the example as a point of how disallowing users is acceptable in certain scenarios.

@sloss2003 He’s basically saying that what type of age isn’t specified, so it could be warned in either way by the moderators handle the issue.

In certain scenarios, yes, but account age filtering is not part of those scenarios nor is it explicitly stated anywhere. General age discrimination is not allowed.

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How many games do you know have been terminated because of a script disallowing users from playing because they don’t meet a join date requirement? Also, account age filtering isn’t mentioned in the ToS, however, the real users age is.

Yes, general age isn’t, however, nothing is said about a users account join data status… other than veteran status.

I’m not a moderator so I don’t have the statistics nor have the authority to disclose any of that information. Please be realistic.

Does it say anywhere “Real Age”? Please send me a screenshot.

Age means

  • Account age
  • Real age
  • Premium age
  • Loyalty age
    It’s not exhaustive

If it was more than one specific type of age, I feel like Roblox would specify with a plural word… i.e Ages which would be more open to allowing multiple types of ages.

But once again, I’ve seen many games use age limits that have not been banned. Tons…

This post isn’t from a staff member and nowhere in the ToS or guidelines could I find anything pertaining to kicking new accounts from your game let alone anything mentioning new accounts in relation to games. Many games do this already and it is an effective strategy to stop exploiting/trolling even though exploiters will have access to old accounts because these accounts are often quickly banned.

I’ve frequently heard about “account age banning” being not allowed, but I’ve never seen a moderator confirm this and despite looking through ToS and guidelines prior I haven’t found anything that looks like it’s even remotely related. I think this is just a myth.

I would honestly recommend securing your game though in relation to exploits. Use at least some server side movement checks always, and especially in a game with simplistic Roblox movement such as a cafe or rpg. With trolls I can understand a week being reasonable, personally I think that anything more starts to defeat the purpose because new players will just never rejoin your game.


Read @Hexcede reply. He sums it up well. Also, you don’t need to repeat yourself, it’s not adding anything to the talk.

I’m aware it’s not by a staff member, but I did my research about discrimination on Roblox. The ToS is not specific enough to tell whether account age filtering is allowed or not, just age in general.

I’d like to know what these games are, but it’s still in the ToS that age discrimination is not allowed.

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The chat filter already prevents players from providing their real age and developers don’t have access to users’ real age, so what other “age” can we be possibly dealing with?

It doesn’t literally say real-age, I don’t know why you’re still disputing this.
You already said this your self.

And as Hexcede said:

And so, it’s not the chat filter we’re talking about. This is an easy way to filter out some exploiters.

Unless a Roblox moderator wants to jump in and clarify I see no reason to continue this discussion if we’re going to be repeating our self.

Roblox employees are legally not allowed to comprehend the ToS for us(as I’ve read), I wouldn’t expect much.

My point is not the chat filter, my point is there’s no other possible age that can be exposed to the public other than account age, which narrows down the ToS issue.

I’m gonna stop here, we have our own perspectives on the matter. This is going into circles as you’ve mentioned.

My take of it is that a user says their age in chat and then a game owner bans them, or makes fun of them.

Once again, we’re not going to get scarification… Nice talk, have a good day! Maybe we can argue again sometime :rofl:

I’ve seen models like Epix Admin (EISS) be adjusted as per Roblox’s request for having account age requirements; this in combination with the overwhelming consensus in the developer community that age requirements appear to be against the community rules.

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Really? If you look about one line up, it makes it very clear what it’s talking about when it says age.

We have users of all ages and we want to create safe environment for all of them, including children.

Including children definitely refers to actual age. I’m sure the rules would specify if they were suddenly changing their definition of “age” partway through.